The Colorado Avalanche have won the Cup, Jack Johnson has finally won the Cup after 2 near misses(he refused to sign with the Canes the year we won), And Corey Perry has now lost 3 straight Cup Finals, with 3 different teams. And one final bit of Cup trivia. Phil Pritchard and Mike Bolt(the Keepers of the Cup) were the speakers at the Booster Club Convention the year L.A. won their first cup, and they did a presentation of my inflatable cup to the Kings’ Booster Club. So I can say that Phil has touched my Cup. #NotCode.
(assorted rude words) The washer decided to dump water all over the bathroom floor (the laundry hookups/equipment are in a niche in the larger of our bathrooms). Maintenance request submitted, will call the office when they open seven hours from now if necessary.
Bonus points for DH’s fasting blood sugar being scary high.
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 71 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 94 and N.O.S. for the day. The big item on today’s agenda is cleanin’ lady comin’ to spiff da cave. OYKW has a doc’s appt. this mornin’ for his big item of the day. We have a mutual gnawin’ and a cravin’ for Mexican comestibles, so we shall go to the good Mexican place for a late N.O,L./early sup. I intend on much sloth (as per usual) and uselessness with some quality cee-mint pond time thrown in for good measure.
doggio sounds like an awful lot of fuss for a cup. I mean, if it was a nice wine glass or champagne flute I could understand, but just for a cup? Sheesh!
Nettie hope the plumbin’ woes are fixed soonest and DH’s fastin’ blood sugar rights itself.
Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.
Good morning everyone. Still on first cup of coffee, would be sleeping but my dog claimed he needed outside earlier (I’ve learned to believe him). Back home in Texas after being on the road since May 12th. Will leave again soon but decided to swing by DFW on our way from the Southeast to the Great Lakes. Medical issues intervened, but just maintenance stuff that couldn’t be handled on the road, everyone’s well.
After being closed up for six weeks, we entered the house and restarted everything. And were shocked when absolutely everything worked perfectly. No problems, nothing at all went wrong while gone. I’m convinced Fate is giggling behind my back and has something devious planned the day after we leave (later this week).
In the boring category, went ahead and got new tires for the vehicle, since we were home and it was almost time. And Mizpullin bought and wrapped the Xmas gifts for all the kinfolk we’ll be seeing as part of the trip. Smart move I think – we can just deliver everything when we drop in to visit, and they can store it till Christmas. Also, one of my kiddos+SO will be living in the house while we’re gone. We can skip the hassles of mail/yard/water-shutoff, etc. this time.
Hope everyone has a good week. Will check in occasionally, at least as much as I can tolerate with my phone (I’m not good at web-access/typing on small screens).
Mornin’ all. I awoke a 5:30 for no good reason. I suppose it’s better than insomniac-ly staying up late. Now, off to the shop to beat the heck out the planer. It really doesn’t like these boards with carpet tacks.
I don’t understand why I’ll be falling asleep in my recliner, but by the time I drag my carcass to the bedroom and exchange day clothes for night clothes, I’m suddenly wide awake! Sometimes watching a little TV sends me back to snoozeland, but not last night - I had to resort to some boring gameage on the tablet before I finally nodded off. And I still woke around 5:30… sheesh.
SIL has an appt this morning, so he’s dropping the Tobester off after taking Roxy to school, then he’ll be back around 9:30 or so. That means we’re not going to the marina till later this morning. FCD is a bit miffed about that, but he’s still abed, and he’s got some stuff he has to do in his shop before we go anyway, so he’ll get over it.
Daughter told me yesterday that she thinks Tobias is right on the cusp of crawling. If so, he’s about a month earlier than Roxy was, and walking will be very soon after. I think I need to get a leash for the kid!
Speaking of grands, BBBoo asked me to share this - her granddaughter’s efforts as a hair stylist:
Guess I should expect Roxy to want to do the same soon.
I wouldn’t think so… Speaking of planers, we need to move the one out of our basement to FCD’s shop. The problem is its weight, it’s top-heavy, and from the basement to the shop is uphill across grass. Which is why it’s still in the basement. We’ve also got to move the shaper from the garage to the shop. We need a heavier wagon/cart than we have. And we need 2 or 3 really strong helpers. Just gotta add that to the list.
Gotta get the application for MN car title done today and in the mail. Otherwise, it looks like a fairly idle day. We’re meeting up with the wife’s niece midweek to go visit a local attraction called Taylor’s Falls.
FCM - You have my sympathies moving that equipment. Been there, done that. Everything in my small garage shop was on wheels for just that reason. The planer and the band saw were the most dangerous to move.
This stuff is on wheels also, but the small casters won’t work on the grass that’s between the equipment and the shop. Oh, and it’s uphill from the basement. I’m sure we’ll figure something out…
Morning all. It’s cooled down a little bit (only getting to 87F today), but small chance of rain, so shopping-n-sammich will be this morning and swimmin’-n-sauna in the afternoon to keep me entertained. Otherwsie not much on the schedule for the week.
FCM, love’s BBBoo’s new hairstyle–the cousin Itt look…
wet one, glad all is well in you Casa–enjoy the travels.
I was just reading about how Denver came together during the Stanley cup finals. No left, no right, no politics, just Avs fans coming together as brothers and sisters. A beautiful thing.
Last week my daughter’s AC, water heater and dishwasher all crapped out. Luckily, her landlord is responsive and things were put right in a few days, but that girl lives for air conditioning. It runs constantly and her apartment is like a freezer.
Yikes. With the discount for supplying my own faucet, and a ‘loyalty discount’ for being a previous customer, and waiving the $89.50 service fee that’s charged if I don’t have the work done, the cheapest option is over $900. (The most expensive option was over $2,200.) I was expecting maybe $300.
The NY Rangers weren’t in the cup finals this year, so I didn’t pay any attention.
I’m pleased to report that my stomach seems to have finally sorted itself: yesterday’s lunch and dinner (and snack) resulted in zero drama. I also finally got some papya enzyme and chewed a few tablets after dinner, to try and be on the safe side. I slept through the night, and felt fine this morning. Food is back! *phew*! Thanks to everyone for being your usual supportive selves!
At the moment, I’m pretty content despite it being Monday: I can eat again, the stressful proposal I was helping with is done, I feel mostly caught up at work, and this week should be relatively “normal” until Friday morning (rescheduled mammogram). And, we’re coming up on a 3-day weekend.
I just went to the grocery store a few days ago, but I only got some basics (mostly fruit) as I was still afraid to eat much. Now, however, further provisions are in order – including a few things I can only find at the other store. It just started raining, but I might still use my lunch break to run out there and back.
It shouldn’t feel weird to run an errand in the middle of the day when I’m working from home, but it kind of does!
Boooooo…how is his A1C?
But then it’ll be your kiddo’s (and SO’s) problem, right?
Some things are self-inflicted, so don’t get too nervous. My daughter is one of those people who thinks that if you turn the water heater all the way up, hot water gets to your tap faster. I am trying to convince her that having it turned all the way up is a) dangerous, b) it’s what is causing her pressure relief valve to keep dumping water on her floor, and c) it’s shortening the life of the heater. Also, like many people, she thinks that turning the thermostat all the way down or all the way up makes the house cool/heat more quickly. I’m sure her habit of keeping the AC running all the time is what caused her heat pump to blow a capacitor. It’s a common problem.
@pullin I’m glad the house gremlins were good to you this time. Are you RVing around the country? Just curious. It sounds like you’re having fun, however you’re getting there.
VanGo You’ve been working on those boards for awhile. Aren’t these the ones that you were doing as a favor for a buddy?
BBBooo’s gggrand’s clearly have a great career ahead of them!
Nettie eek! I hope they get that sorted out quickly. Heck of a Moanday indeed.
When I lived in LA in 1984 during the Olympics, this is how the whole city felt to me. Like peace and hope shone on the whole city, and everyone just basked in the glow. It made me believe in the possibilities of the human endeavor.
This is The Way.
(No, we don’t do this. I do sympathize with liking it cold.)
Hubby’s toe is too painful to touch or walk. I’m going to haul him to urgent care after the groceries are delivered in an hour.
Other than that, it’s shaping up to be another average week here on the surface of the sun. The only question is where the next solar flare (wildfire) will burn next.
But it’s a really BIG cup. I don’t know how anybody’s supposed to drink outta that.
Sorry about DH’'s fasting blood sugar. The docs make me take pills for that. So far it’s working.
Ouch! What I remember about planers is, the knives are expensive and fiddly to install. Maybe you could get one of those magnety things that beeps so’s you could find hidden tacks and pull them out?
Okay. That’s enough of me being an insufferable know-it-all. Sorry.
The family picnic yesterday was good fun, even though it reached 97f (in the shade). Nobody talked politics, which was a good thing. Much good food was et. We came home with a goodly portion of fried and BBQed chicken. (We brought it, so we got the left-overs). We also brought back half a Costco cheesecake and some Resers tater salad and coleslaw, but we left that at the kids’ house. I can’t ear cheesecake any more and don’t much care for Resers stuff. (too much mayo) so not a big loss. (Wifey had had as much as she wanted.)
It’s supposed to get up to 102f today, which kinda puts a kink in our plans to go chuck things into the storage locker. We’ll prolly just stay inside with our A/C units.
sunny and bumba These boards are for a client. Unfortunately, the tacks are really old and just sort of crumble when trying to pull them. And yeah, the blades are fiddly to install, but they’re not too expensive, and I’m passing the cost on to the client. Now if only the mail would arrive with the latest batch of blades…
I am back at home, sittin’ on my very own comfy sofa as I type this.
Got home about 12:30am, slightly later than I’d anticipated. Flight was delayed 30 minutes, baggage claim took an eternity. Then, as I always do, I checked Uber pricing before schlepping up to the pickup area, which is on the fifth floor of the parking garage. $35, which is about as low as it gets. So up I go, and by the time I’m officially in place and hit the confirm button, “surge pricing” is suddenly in effect - $116! No way, Uber.
Back to the elevator, then didn’t realize I’d gotten off one level too soon, had to lug my steamer trunk of a suitcase down a flight of stairs and walk all the way to the end of the concourse (very close to where I’d started in the first place) and finally sat my butt down in a $50 taxi for the ride home.
Next time I fly, a taxi will be plan A.
Other than that, the whole trip went rather smoothly. Had a great time, but Ron and I have both agreed that next year’s shall be a few days shorter. We ain’t kids anymore.
This is nice. I wish we could all bond over, you know, treating everyone with kindness and respect, but it’s a start.
My baseball traveling buddy Ron has moved quite a bit to the right over the years. We make a point to keep politics out of our conversations, and every year we still have a good time bonding over baseball and our mutual love of travel.
But I used to feel closer to him than even my own brothers. We were Best Man at each other’s weddings. We still get along fine, but I just don’t see him the same way, and that feeling isn’t there any more. I know nothing stays the same forever, but it makes me a bit sad.