She hasn’t posted in a long time, but that’s because she’s very busy with schoolwork. Gotta maintain those honors grades. She’s been busy with her school musical, which is this weekend, also. She keeps in touch with the board through me.
Some of you have met her, even more have interacted with her here on the board. I have mentioned her numerous times.
She’s daddy’s little girl, and the light of my life.
I haven’t interacted with you that much and really don’t know you that well, but I have dealt with your dad on a few occassions and all I can say to you is …
Happy, Happy Birthday to a lovely young lady who has had the rare opportunity to see that “grown-ups” are not all fuddy-duddies, and handled that opportunity with grace and style. Glad to have met you, Sakura, and best of luck with your busy schedule!