We we last left our intrepid hero (me) a new lawyer had been hired and a court date had been set. And my lawyer wasted no time in getting started. He redid discovery since the documents we had were over a year old. Had her served with the discovery request. She had 30 days to respond and she (big surprise coming) didn’t. He sent a courtesy letter and when she didn’t respond to that he filed a motion to compel which was granted. And again she didn’t respond.
So my lawyer heads back to court and files motions to bar testimony, have her response to the divorce petition stricken from the record and enter a default judgement. That got someone’s attention because at the motion hearing she finally provided the documents in question. This hearing took place two weeks before the trial was supposed to start. Later that day her lawyer e-mailed a settlement proposal to my lawyer.
It was the EXACT SAME proposal I gave to her 18 months ago. Gosh darnit I was pretty upset when I read that. I responded with some desired changes and she responded with some changes of her own. We rejected her proposal, explaining in clear language why we rejected it, and told her we’d see her at trial. Next thing you know we get word that she has accepted our changes. The settlement was in place.
We’re just waiting to receive a copy of the documents that will be filed with the court. Our trial date is scheduled for next week so it worked out pretty well.
Now if you’ll excuse me I need to stack these cases of champagne in the corner so they’re ready when it becomes official. Don’t worry, I brought enough for everyone!
I scanned (and might have missed something) most of the responses in those linked threads, but really did not really get any indication in your posts why she persisted in being non-responsive and extending this process indefinitely. If she is the one that wanted the divorce so she could be free and clear for Mr. Online it would seem to benefit her to move things along.
What was her game plan with all this epic stalling and delay? Was her attorney on board with her re non-responsiveness being a strategy?
No, the greatest day is when the ex realizes his/her mistake and you get to say “Um, yeah, I’m sooo over that. Biyotch.” or something equally as classy.
I’ve got my fingers crossed for you. I hope you’ll be as happy as the guy who posted one of my very favorite threads since I’ve been on the Dope. I wish I could remember who it was because I laughed and laughed for days about it and am laughing now just thinking about it. I can’t search because I think his OP was just a link to this video which is a song I’d never heard before but will forever think of it as some perfectly happy Doper guy loving life.
I hope for you the same happiness! From your links, it sure sounds like you deserve it.
Her lawyer was not on board and from what he told my lawyer was very frustrated with her actions. He had been trying to get her to settle for quite a while. I suspect that when motions started getting thrown around he was secretly pleased. It gave him a chance to sit her down and say, “If we go to trial this is what will happen, and if you don’t settle you’re screwed.”
As for her reasons behind the stalling? I’m not going to get those 19 months back so I’ve stopped wondering about it. It’s now all about the next 19 months.
I’m really quite happy for you that things are starting to finalize. Very much looking forward to hearing that all this is behind you and she’s no longer any part of your life.
Yup, some lawyers will stall and stall refusing to go to court, hoping for a settlement that is never coming from a side that isn’t interested in negotiating. Good job getting a new attorney and getting it moving.