So I spend the day LARPing with my friends, and we decide to hit up Burger King for dinner. I was quite distracted by the new girl in our group, so when she went out by herself for a cigarette, I jumped on the opportunity to make my hasty egress and chat it up with her. When I got home later that night, I couldn’t seem to find my wallet.
Oh, shit. I remember putting it on my tray. Did I throw it out with my garbage at the Burger King?
This particular Burger King’s phone number wasn’t in the phone book, so after some calling around (including speaking to a gentleman at another BK who seemed genuinely concerned), I manage to get it. The first time I call, the phone rings. And rings. And rings. I call a second time, and a girl with a cute voice picks up.
And I hang up. It was closing time and wouldn’t have killed them to spend a couple of minutes looking for my wallet in the trashbag. Forget that, I even offered to come down and look for it myself! That wallet contained my credit card, driver’s license, change of address card, social security card, numerous other VIP and club cards, and some cash. It contained my life. If she had accidentally thrown out her wallet, I’m sure she would hope that the staff at the establishment would be a little more helpful.
The story has a happy ending, though: At 10:30 this morning, I receive a call. It’s the new girl from the group yesterday.
The cash ($15) was missing, but I don’t care. I’m just happy to have it back. You know, I’m becoming a firm believer in karma. I was patient with the Burger King twat, and this is my reward. Don’t think I’ll be returning to that particular Burger King any time in the near future, though.
You gave up pretty easily. There is no way I’d’ve not rummaged through the garbage if I though I had thrown my wallet away, especially with my credit and debit cards being in it.
Glad it all turned out well in the end although I’m curious as to what happened to your money. Seems a bit strange that it was in a friend (or acquaintance’s, whatever) car and the cash went missing.
Is that anything like “getting really drunk and losing your wallet while blaming it on The Burger King Twat but all along it was your so-called ‘friend’ whom you just met who stole it out of your pants while you were sitting in the hot tub macking on biznatches?” (cuz that would easily explain it)
Reading between the lines it seems to me that you did leave your wallet on the tray, someone in your group found it, took the money, and left it in the girl’s car (unless she did it) knowing it would be found and returned. This is a happy ending? You are consorting with thieves?
BWAH! Friend, I have accidentally dropped my own wallet in a fast food trash can, and gone back to dig it out myself. “A couple of minutes” doesn’t even come close. It took me more than fifteen minutes, and this was early in the day; if all the trash from the supper rush was in the dumpster as well, then good luck to you. (And yes, OF COURSE it was gross. The manager was nice enough to give me latex gloves and let me wash my hands with the sanitizer afterwards.)
This was nearly twenty years ago. Allowing a customer to dig through trash is probably no longer allowed for security and liability reasons, I’m afraid. A fast food store manager really does have better things to do just before closing time than dreaming up ways to make your life miserable. So rather than vent all over her, how about facing the fact that someone you were with apparently finds it acceptable to steal money from a friend?
When it’s the staff’s stuff that goes missing, the manager is just as helpful. I used to work in BK, and someone broke into the staff room and stole loads of stuff. Including my purse and phone. I disapeared to scream and yell, and cancel my cards etc. Upon my return I had the following conversation with my manager…
Me - “When do the police get here?”
Manager - “What? You want me to call them?”
Me - :mad:
It also took a year for my manager to get the insurance company to pay up. And I had to put up with dumb ass stuff like “Well, as you no longer work here we can’t get you your money…”
I got my dad to have a word with the area manager. I got my money. Eventually.
It’s very possible that the new girl or her new friend stole the money. The rest of my friends wouldn’t do that. We trust each other with keys, wallets, etc. all the time. However, given the trouble I could have gone through, fifteen bucks is a small price to pay.