My eyes don't match

My eyes don’t match.

Left eye

Right eye

I’ve always wondered about that funny “window” in my left eye. If it’s related in some fashion to the eyes being different colors. If it’s a recognized phenomenon with a name.
I’m recurrently fascinated with what I can do with this digital camera. Canon S-70. Coolest birthday present in years.


Left eye

I didn’t leave it out of the OP; it must have some illegal control character in it by accident.

Just shoot me.
Perview is your fiend and all that.

Right eye

Left eye

Links both No Workie for me joe.

Did this colour-change appear recently, or have your eyes always been two different colours? If it is a new phenomenon, I would see your doctor if I were you.
Something called heterochromia iridis is mentioned here.
I have a friend with one brown and one green eye, but she’s been this way since birth.

Gorgeous. I think it’d be cool to have such unique eyes.

Kate Bosworth has the same thing going on with hers.

Kate Bosworth

They’ve always been two different colors. I don’ recall when I first noticed the odd “window” thngie in the left eye, but I’ve had it at least since I was a teenager in the 70s, and I may have always had that, too.

Once I was in a car accident and was taken to the hospital, and they were refusing me pain meds until I finally figured out they thought the accident had caused the odd eyes! Once I described the eyes to them and they realized they were always that way, they relented and brought me Demerol.

Wow, that’s awesome. I, for one, think mismatched eyes are very sexy.

It’s the mark of Satan. Means you’re possessed.

Should help you pick up the hot Goth chicks.



Good point, Scott… Elijah Wood has mismatched eyes, too…

You sure? I’m trolling through his pix on IMDB and I haven’t found one that shows anything but two blue eyes. Maybe he’s wearing colored contacts in the movie shots, but you’d think he’d leave 'em out for some of his awards appearances or something.

Thanks for the complement, but I believe he is blue eyed. Perhaps you have seen a photedited picture such as this one.

The eyes have it… :slight_smile:

Oh hell. Now there’s something I didn’t want to know. My eyes are fat !

How do you put your irises on a diet?

What’s wierd is, if you do the mouse-over preview, you can see the “Left eye” link text.

That thing with your eyes is neat. You mutant freak. :smiley:

My sister has blue eyes like I do, but her right eye has a brown patch on it. Otherwise they’re identical. My other sister’s eyes are hazel, and my brother’s are brown. I’ve never seen anything like hers.

My sister has one blue eye and one green eye. Someone once told her that she was born with blue eyes (as babies are wont to do), and her eyes were supposed to turn brown like our mom’s. One (the green one) started to turn, but stopped because the other didn’t turn. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but it’s an interesting theory.

Me, I just have fat eyes, like lavenderlemon’s. At least I don’t have one fat eye like my sister! I think I shall call her “One Fat Eye” from now on.