I figured this type of announcement belonged in MPSIMS, but if it ought to be in Cafe Society, mods please feel free to move it. The marketplace thread is here, and it’s for sale on Amazon (ebook for just $1, paperback for $10). This is my first novel- I’m working on two more (including a sequel to this one); hopefully my expectations for sales are low enough to avoid crippling disappointment. If you like it, please review it! I’m a nervous ball of excitement (or an excited ball of nerves). And ask me questions!
Definitely Cafe Society.
Mazel tov!
One-clicked it! The description looked interesting, and I needed something to read when I sit outside on my balcony this weekend. It’s gonna be 50!
Congrats, thanks, and all that jazz
Awesome, and thank you. You’re probably my 2nd ebook purchase (I bought the first one). I hope you enjoy it!
Yay! An authentic first edition =)
First day’s sales were 19- 13 ebooks and 6 paperbacks. I’m still waiting for the first review… I guess a reader’s gotta finish the book before they can review it!
Alright- after one day, I’m #15 in the highly competitive, highly sought after, “African American Historical Fiction” category. It’s a fantasy novel, not historical fiction… but I’ll take what I can get!
Cool! For $0.99, I’m willing to take a chance on it.
But, why aren’t the paperback and Kindle editions linked at Amazon? (i.e. when you go to the page for one of them, there’s no mention of the other.)
Thanks for taking a chance on it, I hope you like it. They tell me they’re going to link the two formats in the next few days.
By the way- I’m hoping that there are lots of readers like you; that the price is low enough that only marginal interest is needed for someone to take a chance on it. My mission now is just to get the word out, I think.
Even if your i’s aren’t balanced!
Congrats! But you need to stop letting your daughter/cousin do the cover illustrations. They are not talented.
I bought it too! I’m no expert in the fantasy genre but it sounds interesting to me. Yay for you!
Congratulations! It’s a big acheivement to finish a book.
Thanks everyone! The print and kindle editions are linked now. Hooray for Amazon troubleshooting.
My sarcasm detector seems to be down… can someone translate this for me?
Sorry, please forget my comment. I didn’t like the cover. But then again I haven’t ever even written a book, so what the hell do I know.
Congratulations again! I hope it sells really well!
Kindled it (a steal at 97¢), also as a bonus, I promise I won’t make a “don’t judge a book by its cover” joke…