Right now as we speak she is in the hospital. The doctor is telling us that it may be weeks, it may be days, but it will be soon. My mother, through her tears, is telling me that now is the time to make my final goodbyes to her. I don’t know whether my grandmother knows that she is dying or not.
The rational person in me tells me that the death of your elders is inevitable. That may be, and right now I am in complete control of myself, but I can guarantee that when she finally does die I will be crying like a little girl. I know that, and I am steeling myself for that, but it won’t matter. I’m still going to be inconsolable when it happens. What’s worse, in a few weeks I have a trip to Kwajalein, so there’s a very good chance that I won’t be here when it happens.
And here’s the kicker: my grandmother is the strongest woman I ever knew. Up until a few moths ago she used to clean my mother and my uncle’s houses just for something to do. She had more energy than anyone I have ever seen. She even refused to disrupt Christmas last year with the bad news. Now she will never see another Christmas.
When I went to see her the other day, all she could say was “Oh my goodness!”. She recognized me and she introduced me to the nurse and everything. But she kept saying “Oh, my goodness!” over and over again when she could catch her breath. She has to know that she’s dying even if nobody has told her as much, and my family won’t let her go, release her from her pain. I talked to her and I kissed her goodbye, and now I don’t know if I have the strength to go back again to see her.
And the worst part: she’s killing herself, little by little. It’s her body that is producing the cancer cells. It’s her body that is failing her. What kind of cruel and unmerciful God would let her die in such a horrible manner? Certainly not my God. Fuck that. Predestination? If it is, then I will have lost all faith. If it’s just God keeping His hands off and letting things go as they may, then all I feel is disgust. The least the son of a bitch could do is have mercy on her and let her die instead of making her suffer so.
I don’t know if we’ll ever find the cure for cancer. And frankly, I don’t care. Just end her suffering, please, God. Let her go.
Actualy, I haven’t even touched on the worst part: the worst part is that I have the intelligence and the ability to become a doctor, to devote my entire life to the study of saving people. I know that intuitively. And yet I am so squeamish at the sight of blood and gore that I know that I could never do it. A great mind wasted. Story of my fucking life. All because I get pukey when I see blood. I am a chickenshit waste of life. All the gifts I have been given and I won’t raise a single finger to try to save people from an agonizing death. I am such a coward.
Goodnight, all. I beg your forgiveness for what I am. I am but a worm, unworthy of the ground that my grandmother will soon be resting in. What a waste, in every respect.