Re this post “My Husband Doesn’t Share My Faith” I think this poor, long suffering man is really the one who God has laid his hand on re giving him the grace of patience and forgiveness.
Jesus ruins another happy marriage.
I read the whole thing, and, while I think that Barry has got either God or a whole LOT of Valium on his side, I think the author’s conclusions demonstrate a great deal of growth on her part:
I feel for the both of them: a significant life change happened to her that did not happen to him, and they found a way, despite her admittedly making the effects of that choice a significant stumbling block in the marriage, to make it work.
She learned to accept her husband as he is and that she cannot force him into the same choices she made, important though they may have been to her.
He learned to accept his wife’s change and not lose himself for the sake of appeasing her.
I would say that it was a tough road for both of them, I applaud her maturity and realization (regardless of how late it came in life) and I wish them both well.
It’s His will.
He wants all the women for himself. He’s just a dang ol’ poly-bigamist, Praise the Lord.
So, they don’t play softball anymore?
This sounds a bit too extreme to be true.
So, Chick is right??? There are American people who have never heard of salvation and convert upon listening to the explanations of some random stranger? I’m amazed. :eek:
Did you read the responses to her article? They are mostly very much onboard with her angst and share their similar struggles.
I didn’t read the responses before posting, however since I read them I reaffirm my belief that the Romans did a great disservice by not feeding the rest of them to the lions.
It all started when she called out His name during sex.
Yeah, my Poe sense is tingling. Especially:
That gotta be a parody.
There was a godawful article in the local paper around Easter. It was basically this story but with the happy ending the wife wanted. The man converted, started going to church with his wife, and became the president of the church board or something. End article.
It was the front page story too.
It’s not just evangelical/’“come to Jesus” types. For some years, I dated a lapsed Roman Catholic. We were planning a wedding–then she rediscovered her faith.
Suddenly, I was expected to go to Mass with her on Sundays, and to take classes to make me a good Catholic when I converted–which I was expected (by her and her church) to do.
I balked. I questioned. The final nail was when a priest at her church said that he would not recognize my own baptism in a Christian church (Presbyterian, actually). There seemed to be very few Christian concepts at work in her and her church’s zeal to convert me. No “love thy neighbour as thyself,” and so on. No snark intended to the Roman Catholic Church in general (though it may deserve it), but in this particular matter, her parish church and its priests went too far.
In the end, our relationship died, due in no small part to her new-found attachment to the Roman Catholic Church.
I applaud Barry for his patience, and for living a Christian life. Too bad his so-called Christian wife hasn’t.
Oh, man. My wife is Christian and I’m not; when I read this to her she said, “oh, right, because Jesus got his way by badgering people.” But my former sister-in-law was exactly like this woman, and she constantly asked my wife if there were any signs of my relenting and accepting Christ, fed me Christian propaganda, etc.
Not by the Church, as God is my witness. The parish priests were assholes but then it looks like they helped you dodge a large bullet.
Those Jesus Freaks
Well, they’re friendly but
The shit they believe
Has got their minds all shut
Well, if he couldn’t have a happy marriage, he figures, why should anyone else?
Now, won’t you please rise and open your hymnal to page 1897 and join the choir in, “I’m-a Cock-Blockin’ For Da Lord…!”
Your opinion about Christianity is not the topic here. If you want to share that, go to Great Debates.
twickster, MPSIMS moderator
Jesus is the “other man.”
Hexagram 41: Decrease, Six in the third place;
When three people journey together,
Their number decreases by one.
When one man journeys alone,
He finds a companion.
She’s making Jesus the third person in their relationship.