My (Lame) Rant @ The Telephone Company

This really sucks. I could lose my internet anytime now because my phone company has a case of rectal-cranial inversion that makes a black hole seem like a piece of flat paper.

A lil background info. I live in Alberta. There is, as fas I know, exactly one choice for Telephone Co. in this province. The immense corporation borne of deregulation know as Telus.

When I first moved out on my own last year, I needed a phone and naturally went with Telus. I also got ADSL with them. When I called them to set up the ADSL, they asked for my user name. I even spelt it out to them. “Teegus. T-E-E-G-U-S”. They asked me to spell it again. I did so. All was well. Then I tried to get online. No luck. Yadda Yadda Yadda… Eventually I discovered they had mispelt my user name anyways. I got it all straightened out after a couple of days. Life was good

Fast Forward to yesterday.

I had not yet recieved my bill this month. So i called yesterday, and talked to a Rep about it. I got it striaghtened out as well.And then I decided to give them a heads up. I’m moving to Edmonton at the end of June, and I want my service disconnected at the end of June. I’m going to be using my cell exclusively then. So the Rep took down all the info and all was cool.

Then Today. Idiots.

I have no telephone service as of today. No dial tone on my phone line. I try calling myself with my cell and get the message that my number is out of service. :eek:. Excuse me? I said “end of June”. not “end of this conversation”. I am somehow still getting ADSL carrier signal on the line. So whenever they feel like it, I will be disconnected from that too. But given their past actions, I might have some time. I was still able to log into my parents’ account a month after they had moved. But its all up in the air. :frowning:

So now I have to call those asshats at the phone company and tell them to fix their mistake and give me my phone back for another month and a half. I will have to call on my cell. During the day, when it costs me $0.20 per minute. And since they are cheap bastards, they understaff the call center. I understand. Its business. But when it takes them 10 minutes to feel like answering my call and I’m out 2 bucks, I get aggravated. Very, very, aggravated. Not to mention pissed off.

I hope they choke on all that money they are saving themselvesand when they call for an ambulance. all they get is “We’re sorry but this number is not in service…”

(Actually this is a pretty moot point. I can just call from work tomorrow to fix it. I’m just upset on principle. Thanks for reading. :slight_smile: )

We are The Telephone Company. We are omnipotent [snort].

That’s “potent” with an “omni” in front of it.