It’s nice to be able to share such guilty pleasures with my friends. I’m a Christian but love the unintentional hilarity of Jack T. Chick’s gospel tacts. The newest one is on the website, a apocalyptic wet dream called Who’s Missing?. The direction of this tract make me wonder if Jack has been stockpiling ammonum nitrate.
Jack has appropriated the phrase Left Behind and for the first time I can recally included several characters saved in recent tracts. One is explicitly named, ex-priest Damien from last month’s Man in Black. I also spotted Omar from Who Cares?, the little kid with the smokey the bear hat from God With Us, the one eyed jurist from The Last Judge, the professor from Big Daddy and A.J. from The Monster. I also don’t think it’s much of a stretch to assume the UN guy killed by the sarin gas bomb in panel two is supposed to be Kofi Annan.
Krusty on a fucking rubber crutch, I can identify most of the characters in a Chick tract. That is scary.
I found that a bit creepy too. Then again one of the firemen in a recent tract had a Bob-style pencil moustache. I also notices that Bob has a poster of Fang the dog on the side of his computer desk and he now uses a laptop. I gotta get a life.
No, no, no, beagledave, that was the beloved Dr. Ngaba!
Good grief, is it just me or is the “art” work for these things getting worse and worse? And did you notice the symbols on the graves that did not open? This is the worst Catholic bashing I’ve seen since I read Death Cookie.
I find it hard to respect a guy who continues to preach against Catholicism without ever bothering to do even a little bit of research. His understanding of Catholic theology is pathetic. The worst piece of misinformation:
“My faith is in Mother Church, not the Bible.”
Perhaps someday Chick will be exposed as a Jesuit operative whose lifelong mission is to make Fundamentalists look exceedingly unpleasant.
Well no, not really, but I can’t help thinking it’d be funny if rumors like that started getting around. And his target audience is already conditioned to believe all sorts of Jesuit Conspiracy theories …
That Dr. Ngaba looks exactly like Fred Sanford’s friend.
I found it slightly weird that the angel depicted sounding the trumpet of God was playing a valved trumpet instead of, say, one of those harmonic jobs that they used to play fanfares and such in olden times.
And, the lack of proportion and perspective in the artwork is appalling. For crying out loud, Bob’s desk looks like it was colored in with a Bic pen! You’d think he could afford to run by the drafting store and get a gray marker, for crying out loud.
Am I the only one who read the panel where the woman is watching TV and screaming, “It’s the end of the world! I know it! Know it! KNOW IT!” and sang softly to themselves, “and I feel fine?”
Not only that-the other one had a Star of David on it.
And the UN leader was addressed as “Glorious One”? By one of those girls-and you KNOW what Chick was implying there.
I think Jacky boy has some serious issues…
Could somebody clear up a point on this “Left Behind” thing? If “[God] won’t come for His church until the last person is saved” (which is illustrated in the next panel by a spear-carrying person - presumably the last person on Earth who hasn’t heard of Jesus - accepting Jesus as his personal Saviour and Lord), then who are the “left behind” people? If people who have heard of Jesus but have not “accepted him as their Saviour and Lord” are not considered “saved” then how can God “come for His church” until they have been saved? There seems to be a gasp logical inconsistency here.
Is Jack oversimplifying something here, or is he just talking out of his ass?
The symbol on the other grave looks like the masonic symbol to me.
Johnathan Chance, you have been tricked by the Whore of Babylon into looking at topless girls so that you will be LEFT BEHIND and miss that yummy lamb supper.
I ran upon one recently.
I forget what it was called, but as a side scene, they had a dog and cat playing or fighting together.
Doesn’t this kindof “distract(ha! tract!)”
us from the Message?
Haha. Does anyone else notice that many of the characters in Chick comics are sort of drawn the same? The guy working on the laptop looks exactly like about a hundred other Chick heroes; this particular archetype I’d call “Vaguely Latin Guy”. It’s the moustache that does it.
Also, look at the Mary Anne character. She’s been in a ton of Chick tracts too. I’d call her “Unsettling Face Woman”. Note panel 10.
BTW, there was an article about Chick the other day that was pretty indepth. Check out, I believe they have a link to it on their current list of links.