I am 17 and learning how to drive (yeah I know I am late, but whatever). And I have ~10-15 hours of driving under my belt. I’ve been driving around mostly on local roads and a tiny bit on mini-highways recently (roads with speed limits up to 45).
My dad is teaching me and he’s a good teacher in general, but he yells* a lot*. He did the same thing when he taught my mom how to drive over 15 years ago, and he says, “Son, I practically didn’t yell at you at all compared to how much I did at Mom.”
I mean he’s doing is job well in general - trying to instill good habits and correct bad ones (such as turning too slowly or yielding improperly), which I am working on. But see most of my family including me sucks at time management and getting ready efficiently (except my dad) so we’re always leaving the house late. So he’s accustomed to continuously driving 15-20 mph over the speed limit.
That’s not the only factor, for since the beginning of my conscious memory, I can recall him always doing that. And throughout my childhood, I always used to be like, “Yay! Go fast!” He’s only gotten 3 speeding tickets in his driving career, which is extremely lucky.
95% of the time he is at least 5 mph over. About 80% of the time he is at least 10 over. And usually he is in the range of 15-20 mph over, as I said earlier. Everyday, there’s a road that’s Speed Limit 25, and he drives like 45 on it. I mean he’s very skilled and has excellent control (I think he only has one accident in history and that wasn’t even due to speeding).
Now with the 30-hour course and everything, I was convinced that I should drive the speed limit, especially in the beginning. I mean it’s cool and fun that my dad speeds, but I thought that I’ll stick to doing the limit. And that was my intention.
They are not making me go super fast or anything, but for example, the speed limit dropped to 25, so I reduced my speed to 25, and my dad starts yelling, “What the hell are you doing??? Are you dead?” I am like, “The speed limit is 25.” He’s like, “You crazy fool - go at least 30!” And I oblige, reluctantly. Even in the rain this was true.
I see where he’s coming from and I understand his point of view. He is sympathizing for the other folks that might be running late. I am not even kidding - even the slowest people on the roads do at least 5 mph over. Mostly, when I drive the speed limit, I get tailgated, like hardcore, and many times even when I am 5 over. He sympathizes with them because as I described earlier, we’re usually running late too as a family. I mean in Drivers Ed, they said, “If you’re being followed too closely, pull over and let the others pass,” so I guess I could start doing that (at least when I am driving on my own and have my license).
Today I was driving back from school with my mom who picked me up and there was a road that was speed limit 25 and so I do 25, and within seconds, cars are lining up behind me and my mom is like, “Dude, go!”
They call me a “90-year-old grandma”. My dad said, “If I was to buy you a sports car, that would be an insult to the that car.”
It’s not news that most people routinely break the speed limit. The average American maintains less than 1 second of following distance (recommended is 3 seconds in ideal condition - which I do my best to maintain).
What I find very peculiar though is how my parents are making me break the speed limit. I was reading blogs where other mothers were talking about their experiences, and they were like, “Even when my son drives the speed limit, that feels really fast!!!” and all sensitive. I thought parents would want their child to drive slowly…yet here I am being pressured to break the speed limit.