My reality show idea: Don't you think this would work?

You do a reality show partnered with the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes people.

When the throng with the balloons and the big check show up at the doorstep of the unsuspecting family, you immediately have them sign a contact as well – a contract that makes them reality-show stars.

Over the next three months, you document how their lives really change, and how their lives stay the same, despite this enormous cash windfall. You show the lawyers they have to retain to read the legal jargon. You show the greedy bankers and the even greedier relatives that come out of the woodwork.

Above all, you show people, once and for all, that money can’t buy happiness.

Whaddayathink? I think this would go over huge.

I think it would have to be a separate sweepstakes, because you enter that knowing that, if chosen, you win the money without stipulations.

So, there should be a sweepstakes paid for by whatever production company/network/whoever-pays-for-stuff-like-this, and have a media blitz so everyone knows about it. So the people who are entering the sweepstakes are knowingly signing up for a reality show.

On second thought, that would open up the door to “media whores”. I like your idea better, that way the people are unsuspecting. But how do you do it if the contest winners don’t sign up for the show? Wait until next year?

Other than that, it’s a great idea!