I am so alone ;_;
Then go do something else that night, and make new friends there.
Just wait for it to come out on Laserdisc.
And after all the threads you’ve started for them here, too. Those stinkers.
Geez, just go the next night. It’s not like you don’t know the storyline.
Of course, you can’t stay friends with them because now they will have bonded over this movie and have all sorts of little in-jokes about it and the evening that you can’t share.
The only thing I miss about tv is movie trailers. I never know what’s new and exciting!
I had no idea it was coming out this fast :3
I understand how you feel. It’s not the same the next night.
I think you should get even with your friends in some spectacular and hilarious way, and then come back and tell us about it.
How old are you?
Doesn’t matter. Find the theater they are at and wait for them by their car. Have someone videotape you (from hiding) while you are throwing a temper tantrum at their insensitivity as they approach their car to go home. Hurry, not much time to plan. If you are in high school, this will be all anybody talks about at the 30th reunion.
Wish I’d had videotape back in the day.
You DO realize that TBS will play it 15 times a year, eventually.
Well, he did ask for advice about going off to college as if it were his first time.
Also, I have to do this:
“Maybe they got tired of you taking popcorn tubs from the trash and getting them refilled.”
Don’t worry, I like you, but I couldn’t let that line go to waste. It was too perfect.
They are just not that into you. Get over it and find another set of friends ASAP. Spill all the shit you have on the old set.
What’d be really cool would be to call in a BOMB THREAT at the theatre while they’re happily watching Harry.
Nah, only joshing.
Appalling but funny.
I was complaining, last week, about how crappy work is at the moment. My mate said, “cheer up. I’ll phone in a bomb threat to the office tomorrow.”
I laughed at that too. And he didn’t.
Great, you want backscatter x-rays at the movieplex, too?
Do you have the money to pay them back if they’d bought you a ticket? WOULD you have paid them back, promptly and with a smile? From your previous posts, I get the impression that your answers would be “no” and “no”. Also, do you do favors for them?
I’m guessing they didn’t tell you because they don’t want you to go with them. Would it have really mattered if they weren’t sold out?
We used a movie premiere to break up with friends a long time ago. I think it was a Star Trek movie. They’re dumping you dude (and I think it was the popcorn honestly)
That sucks. On the bright side, once you go to college, these people won’t matter all that much.
It still sucks. But trust me on this. At college you can meet people more like you.
God I’m glad I’m not 14 anymore.
According to the persona he’s portraying here on the boards, I believe PSXer is supposed to be in either his first or second year of college right now.