My spam provides cool band names

I’ve recently received a couple spam e-mails with subject lines that made me immediately exclaim, “Band name!”


“Soup Moralist” and “Plankton Corsage”.

Anybody else?

“Roast Barnard” is the best one I’ve seen in my spam box lately.

Miyoko Starbird

Got a couple more possibilities in this morning’s batch: “Shrimp Slim” and “Cowmen.”

“Invertebrate G. Haven”. A great name for something, not necessarily a band.

I’m imagining a guy who just CANNOT believe he has to throw in his middle initial because there was already an “Invertebrate Haven” in the Screen Actors Guild.

checks her gmail spam folder

I’ve got fossil paycheck and You don’t need to be ugly


This one made me chuckle recently…

Sexxually Expliclit

I’m thinking Fossil Paycheck as the band name, and “You Don’t Need to be Ugly” as the title of their debut album :slight_smile:

Can I have a cookie? I like cookies …

Produced by Invertebrate G. Haven

Chocolate Chip?

Ha! Just got some more good ones:

Bonjour Bullseye
Yak Shining Force Sword
Do It Savoy

tongs entrepreneur

Since I’m at an anti-phishing conference, I don’t have cookies today…but I do have donuts and muffins.

Man, I just get boring spam with titles like “Buy cheap V11aggra” and “Mortgage Rates”.

I think I might listen to music by Plankton Corsage.