Okay. So I’m taking this a little from the story over here. Let’s face it. Hannah was Jewish, and Martin a Nazi-loving goon. And they had sex. Real down and dirty sex.
But this isn’t the only example of a hard-lined asshole getting laid. Let’s face it, when my brother got married (specially in his early years) he had, well… let’s say “questionable” views on most anything. He met his would-be wife (a lefty “liberal” - but she’s still a bitch) at college. He’s toned his views down since then (well, radically shifted to say the least).
This isn’t just a random case I pulled outta my ass. When I look at most of the guys that are successfully married (for a long period of time) that I know, they are mostly a “type” of fascist asshole. Well let’s just say, instead of fascist, let’s use… on a scale of liberalism and openness of 1 to 10, they score 2. Maybe 2 and a half tops.
Maybe women like these men, because they are intense, radical and have developed beliefs. And the “liberals” are just gutless jerks who are neither here nor there about any type of issue. Well, that outta now spark a debate.
Okay, so before we begin, let’s get ONE THING FRIGGIN CLEAR. There are gonna (inevitably) be some of you who will attempt to make this a “girls like jerks. Why don’t they like nice guys?” debate. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. It has been done to death before, and (hopefully) we are all sick of it.
Neither am I saying that “liberals” are necessarily the good guys. The point I want to get across is that maybe girls like these (what I have termed “Fascist” or “Unliberal”) guys because they have very hard-found beliefs and are willing to stand up for them, however unpopular, unsavoury or downright crazy they are. It creates this tense sexual atmosphere, that you can’t get with “liberal” and “agreeable” people. You need that “Hard Winger” (no puns or political accusations necessary or hopefully relevant) to get your juices flowing ladies.
Enough. I’ve said my piece. Your thoughts on this matter?
This comes after remembering “Monster’s Ball” and my girlfriend calling me a “right-wing” jerk - and then we had (literally) around six full hours of sex. I had always thought of myself as a hippie like her. Go figure.