My theory is, women adore the hard-boiled fascist in men. Discuss.

Okay. So I’m taking this a little from the story over here. Let’s face it. Hannah was Jewish, and Martin a Nazi-loving goon. And they had sex. Real down and dirty sex.

But this isn’t the only example of a hard-lined asshole getting laid. Let’s face it, when my brother got married (specially in his early years) he had, well… let’s say “questionable” views on most anything. He met his would-be wife (a lefty “liberal” - but she’s still a bitch) at college. He’s toned his views down since then (well, radically shifted to say the least).

This isn’t just a random case I pulled outta my ass. When I look at most of the guys that are successfully married (for a long period of time) that I know, they are mostly a “type” of fascist asshole. Well let’s just say, instead of fascist, let’s use… on a scale of liberalism and openness of 1 to 10, they score 2. Maybe 2 and a half tops.

Maybe women like these men, because they are intense, radical and have developed beliefs. And the “liberals” are just gutless jerks who are neither here nor there about any type of issue. Well, that outta now spark a debate.

Okay, so before we begin, let’s get ONE THING FRIGGIN CLEAR. There are gonna (inevitably) be some of you who will attempt to make this a “girls like jerks. Why don’t they like nice guys?” debate. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. It has been done to death before, and (hopefully) we are all sick of it.

Neither am I saying that “liberals” are necessarily the good guys. The point I want to get across is that maybe girls like these (what I have termed “Fascist” or “Unliberal”) guys because they have very hard-found beliefs and are willing to stand up for them, however unpopular, unsavoury or downright crazy they are. It creates this tense sexual atmosphere, that you can’t get with “liberal” and “agreeable” people. You need that “Hard Winger” (no puns or political accusations necessary or hopefully relevant) to get your juices flowing ladies.

Enough. I’ve said my piece. Your thoughts on this matter?

This comes after remembering “Monster’s Ball” and my girlfriend calling me a “right-wing” jerk - and then we had (literally) around six full hours of sex. I had always thought of myself as a hippie like her. Go figure.

I think it’s pretty much a given that quite a few women like the in-charge, aggressive kind of guy.

Well, I am one female that does not like hardcore varieties of any political stripe. People that adamant about their beliefs have a tendency to be completely closed to new ideas and not ones to compromise, and I find that kind of behavior mildly offensive at best.

Wow. For once I agree completely, no argument, GMR. Quite a few of us do. Me, as a matter of fact. Hey, doesn’t us agreeing constitute the seventh sign of the apocolypse? :smiley:

My theory is, when anyone makes a generalization about an entire gender, they’re always way off-base.

Yeah, plenty of women are attracted to that kind of guy. I’m not one of those guys, and the girl attracted to me likes that. A LOT. It’s a mistake to extrapolate a little personal experience into a giant theory about women in general.


And I think it’s pretty much a given that quite a few women don’t like that sort of guy.

I like Marley’s theory much better.

I haven’t found one thing (excepting biological restrictions) that can be said that “women …” simply because we’re all individuals and have thoughts, opinions, desires, experiences etc, that are completely independent of our genitalia and chromosomes. “Women” as a group don’t do anything identically. Just as men don’t all like beer, tell fart jokes, and scratch their balls incessantly. Funny that.

(I can hear all the ball-scratching jokes being made already :slight_smile: )

Thanks, Goo.

Exactly. I’ve always been confused by guys who say “I don’t understand women.” What is there not to understand? The women I’ve met aren’t so fundamentally different from the guys that there should be this sort of gap. Communicate, people. :stuck_out_tongue: My experience is that in a lot of ways, people are the same. There are women I don’t understand. Men too. If you think an entire gender fits one template, well, there’s your problem.

On top of those things, I don’t like the Three Stooges. :smiley:

Count me as another woman not liking this type of man.

Perhas those women that do like that type are confusing aggression, arrogance and desire for domination with the “better” qualities of confidence, ability and leadership?

Perhaps it’s just that there are more men with far-right political views than women, and in some parts of the country it may even be hard to find men who don’t share these views?

There are few things I find more annoying than gender warfare.

*Every woman adores a Fascist,
the boot in the face, the brute
brute heart of a brute like you.

From Daddy, by Sylvia Plath*

While that’s a great excerpt from a great poem, I disagree with its universal application. There may be a wide truth to it, but Plath makes the all too human mistake of assuming an observed pattern equals a universal perspective.

Marley makes a good point, regarding the communication issue. Yet I’ll admit, my “type” seems to be the hardcore kind of guy. The best reason I’ve figured for this is that I’m a domineering sort of person, so I look for a more domineering partner. Essentially, I wouldn’t respect someone who didn’t stand up to me, or else I’d end up being a bully. I do think that the fascist part is perhaps too strong a term for it, though.

And yeah, that Sylvia Plath poem sums up so much of it. Sure, she was a little off, but she understood some basic motivation for a lot of women.

I don’t recall meeting any women who even CARED about a man’s political views.

None of my dates ever asked about mine, or told about theirs. My female friends are all pretty much non-political. My sister was a liberal for a while, then lost interest in the whole business.

I have to dispute your notion that the liberal-type men are more agreeable, though. The liberals I’ve known have been just as adamant and unyielding as the conservatives, and just as unpleasant to be around when somebody dares to contradict any of their opinions.

Yes, I do. But only if he recognises that there is a time and a place for everything. And that he also has a responsibility to listen, and to communicate, as Marley23 pointed out.

Incidentally, the guy I’m liking these days is the “in-charge, aggressive kind of guy” - at work. I’ve seen him in this mode. It is impressive. :smiley: I have seen him go all out to understand my more liberal beliefs, and I have seen him defend my right to believe something he and his friends don’t, or haven’t thought about. :cool:

In other words, he is a whole human being, not a caricature. And he gives me the space to be the same.

And, FWIW, I know that when he has seen me in take-charge mode, he has been duly impressed. The aggressive, inc-ommand persona is not limited to the males of the species, just as the liberalist hippy attitudes are not limited to the females.

So, Xavier and GMRuyjin, it seems to me that the aggressive = attractive equation applies in an equal-opportunity format.

I think that in this age of high divorce rates, many girls grow up without a father figure, which I believe is fundamental to the growth of a child. They live their lives with something missing, and they find themselves attracted to guys with father-like personalities: say, the in-charge type.

I never said it wasn’t, but that wasn’t the topic. :smiley:

And I’ve met and know quite a few women who care about a man’s political views. Some of the ones that don’t have gotten quite upset when Potential Dude casually says, “Well, I think abortion is wrong, and anyone who can’t see that is an idiot.”

So, mein liebes, let’s say we go back to my bunker, have a little schnapps, put the Horst Wessel Song on the stereo, and then play some “hide the bratwurst.”

Hmmm… would it not be better to refer to the pseudo-political character trait in question as “authoritarian”, or even “totalitarian”, rather than “fascist”? Because if as the OP itself says, it’s not so much a question of actual political program but rather that…

… then you can be quite illiberal, close-minded and oppressive if you’re a hardline Stalinist or Maoist, or an ELF vandal.

I go after a guy who even if someone doesn’t agree with him it is ok. I don’t want some bleeding heart, tree hugging, efeminiate (spelling?) wuss who would not defend me because he is a “peace loving” type of guy. I am also not big on the metrosexual type of guy either. I don’t want a guy who knows more about handcreme than I do.

Maybe you are not seeing something in these guys that the girls are seeing. That is the only thing I can think of.

Good luck meeting people with other opinions with that kind of stereotyping. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m a very liberal guy. Trust me, you don’t know what some guys are capable of when they think a girl they care about is in danger. Liberalism has nothing to do with it.
By the way, the word is “effeminate,” and the two things - effeminate wussiness and liberalism - really aren’t related.