That’s not unusual. At work, most of what I do is stuffing envelopes, copying, filing, etc. Papercuts are an occupational hazard. I deal, no problem.
But not this one. No, this is a non-work related papercut. I’m opening a fucking bank statement this morning, and somehow manage to slice my thumb open on the envelope. Underneath my goddamn fingernail!!!
It still fucking hurts if I have the audacity to bend my thumb. Fuuuuuuuuuck. :mad:
(On the upside, my checking account is, quite inexplicably, nearly a hundred bucks chunkier than I thought it was. That almost makes up for it. Almost.)
Ack!, that send cold shivers down my spine; I don´t know what it is, but paper cuts freak me out. I can slice my finger open with a knife and there´s no problem, tear it against a grinding wheel, or fry the skin with a solder, and won´t complain; but paper cuts, even the idea of a paper cut, gives me the heebie-jeebies.
I guess I´m funny that way.
By the way I can´t stand neither when someone folds a paper and creases it by running the two fingers along the fold, it´s worse than fingernails across a blackboard to me.
This reminds me of an episode of “Lois and Clark” where Clark is confounded by people telling him about paper cuts. Naturally, being superman, he never experienced a paper cut.
So, since I hadn’t had a paper cut as well, I figured I might be superman. No such luck, ever since that stupid episode, I get papercuts every now and then
Freaking criminacious yipe eating lemurs, NinjaChick! You just reminded me of the one time I got a papercut under the nail, back in 4th grade. God damn did that hurt. I feel your pain.
I got a paper cut under the nail of my right index finger last Christmas from actual cardboard while trying to open the packaging on one of my son’s new toys, which is, again, an entirely different thread. Why the fuck do they make kid toys so difficult to get to? Some of them actually require screwdrivers to remove the packaging. WTF? They’re worse than DVDs!
I got a pretty bad papercut in the second knuckle crease of my right index finger last week. From a corrigated box lid. The cut itself wasn’t the bad part. The bad part was feeling the cardboard sawing through the skin. Gah.
Pah! I was the victim of a small insect known as a “Nairobi eye” in Africa. They exude an acid that causes symptoms identical to 3rd degree burns. My entire upper left arm was involved, requiring burn cream and gauze bandages for two weeks. I still have scarring from it. Ants, my ass.