Well… a couple anyway. My oldest is from sometime in High School and I gradgeeated oh, 11 years ago so. They are my favorite underwears! they are threadbare now and all stretched out as I’ve cough grown. They are so soft, softer then the softest soft things. When I pull a clean pair out of my drawer I just have to smell them and rub them against my face. They make me smile.
sigh underwear today just isnt the same… it rarely lasts a year. Unfortunatly the tags from the old are long gone and I no longer know what kind they were. I’m thinking they might have been BVD’s though, I think that stands for Big Vonderful Donger… but i’m not sure.
ANYWHO!! I’ll put my underwear up against yours ANYDAY!
welp, my undies can give yours a run for the money. Near as I can figure, they date to 1983. They are a black and white zebra stripe. Think NFL. Think Raiders. Yes, they are my Lucky Raider Undies.
I wore them to every game of the 83 season, that culminated with the Los Angeles Raiders winning the Superbowl. Since that year, everytime I wear my Raider undies, my men win.
Coincidence? I think not. Long live my Raider Undies.