My wife poisoned my tadpoles :(

At the risk of becoming the next JC…

Anyway I had a small bucket outside with a water plant in it, tree frogs laid eggs in it and there was a bunch of little tadpoles. I figured my son would like watching them.

My wife told me once WTF are you doing bringing them inside the house you have brought a blight on our house, so I put them back outside.

Well overnight I moved them into a bigger container, and forgot it when I fell asleep.
My wife woke me up saying WTF are those things doing in the house.

They were ALL dead, and now even the aquatic plants I had in there are dead.

She admits she poisoned them, she said it was because I brought them indide the house twice she had to put a stop to the insanity.


I even identified what tree frog they came from by looking online.

Man, she is just angry as hell saying I brought it on myself bringing “crapow” in the house twice brining a blight on us.

I can’t believe she did that, man I would never ever do that to some project she had. Man…

Divorce the bitch!
But before you do, do you mind rating her on a scale of 1 - 10?

I’m sorry about the tadpoles, grude, and your aquatic plants. That’s sad.

I’m also getting concerned about your wife. A blight upon your house for bringing tadpoles inside? WTF? I don’t mean to be insulting, but this is just not normal thinking. You’ve reported in other posts that she’s got some strange ideas. Is this superstitious shit getting worse?

What is crapow? Googling it wasn’t helpful.

Why does your wife have such bizarre opinions? She sounds deluded and cruel.

This is the actual spelling I think Crapaud - Wikipedia

We are talking about a non USA superstition so I have no idea how normal or not it is really, it doesn’t come up[ much in casual conversation.

Wow! That’s just messed up. I’m really sorry about your tadpoles and for your son not getting to see them grow. So messed up.

Are you telling me she left a bucket of poisoned water around where your son could get to it? That’s fucked up, man.

don’t eat mushrooms if she serves them

Why are you married to this woman? Seriously, what does she bring to your life? Or your son’s life?
She sounds insane.

I guess frogs really are bad news culturally

But still :frowning:

Did you beat her severly?

No she was holding it when she woke me up and had me take it outside, and I have no clue what she poisoned it with probably some soap or hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol something household. I doubt she put cyanide or something just because where would she get it.

I am just kind of like man… I did not expect that.:frowning:

Toads are not frogs.
And you don’t live in Tobago.
So add ignorant to the list. Anf you are married to her why, again?

This is definitely fucked up behavior.

Pronounced “crap-o” the word is used for both frogs and toads by locals, they both have the same name in Trinidad too.

I dunno man she can’t figure out why I am so upset, this is the first time she has done something so wacky in the name of superstition. Like a frog in the house is EXTREME bad luck, EXTREME.

But I wish she had just explained to me in the decade we’ve been married just how culturally horrible they are considered, she kinda blind sided me there.

Anyway it seems I blindly walked into a cultural faux pas without knowing, but I would have appreciated a warning from her.

That’s nuts. Totally screwed up.

Your wife killed something that she knew was important to you.

That is not okay at all. :frowning:

Any chance of getting her (or both of you) to a therapist to talk this over? I’ve gathered you’d prefer to chalk this one up to “cultural differences”, but seriously. I have never heard of anything like this before.

Something may be up with your wife, and it would be better for you two to face it now than later.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

The tadpoles were dead this morning when I took it outside, but it was only when I got home tonight I noticed the plants were all dead or wilted too. So I was convinced this wasn’t accident. I mean I was aww but I thought maybe they just died or something before.
I just went next door and asked my wife’s aunt without explaining the situation that I had brought tadpoles inside and my wife was vex, and her eyes opened wide and she asked me if I wanted to bring death on my family. Saying one crapo in a house is a bad omen, and I am bringing in a lot of them am I crazy. She actually acted like it was serious and I was crazy or malicious, when I explained it to her she said she would have dumped them out the minute she saw them because she wouldn’t want it near her house.

I just wish my wife had told me how serious she took this, I guess I laughed her off the first time. And if anyone is curious she is way more paranoid about my son’s health than me, she was worried I was going to poison him with sodium when he was young and all of a sudden took a liking to my euro salami I got from a deli and I let him eat all he wanted.

I dunno man I feel I guess shocked at how out of the loop I am.

Your wife’s aunt lives next door and you went to her for marital advice.
And in a decade of marriage you never got hint of the cray-cray. You are shocked. Shocked!

You don’t know your wife at all, do you?

Not marital advice, I went to her to ask how she would react to someone bringing tadpoles into the house. She said she would have killed them before saying a word because she wouldn’t even want them outside near the house…

I guess the specific scenario of frogs or tadpoles in the house never came up in a decade of marriage :smiley:

I mean sure I was pissed but there has never been a hint of cray cray before this.