If anyone does get it, please, explain it. I ran across an episode and was stunned like a dear in headlights unable to turn away from the oncoming atrocity.
There is no conflict and way too much saccharine, even for a Disney show.
I can only say that my six-year-old daughter has been terrified of these creatures since the first time she laid eyes on them! I don’t really blame her. It’s a whole new level of creepiness.
This used to be my 2 year old niece’s favorite show until she discovered Barney (there’s no accounting for taste). I was going to buy her a DVD of it until I watched it with her one day. It was horrifying. The characters were seriously creepy. Colorful, yes, but seriously creepy.
Actually, they apparently sell out arenas up there. My 2-year old used to love watching them, but now I think that he’s figured out that there’s something not quite right about them.
I used to feel similarly towards The Wiggles, but now I kinda like them. I guess attending 2 of their concerts, and watching their videos countless times brainwashed me.
Do not get between the TV and my 20 month old when the Doodlebops or the Wiggles are on…
As I’m standing on the first tee trying to get my head together to launch a drive and “Fruit Salad, yummy-yummy”, starts going through my brain… aarrghh…
Fortunately my girls aren’t so hot on the Doodlebops anymore. Now their big thing is “Hi-5”. I can handle Hi-5 and The Wiggles more or less. At least Hi-5 and Wiggles songs show some craftsmanship. Barney songs are just annoying and the Doodlebops - I can’t remember any of their songs except “we’re the doodlebops”. I always wonder about the “live” part of the show because they never show the band and the audience in the same shot.
I don’t know about you, but I like Let’s Get on the Bus. It’s so damn catchy:
Its okay
We know bob always knows the way
All aboard there’s no time to delay
Come along we can sing and play
Yeah yeah
(do do do do)
Let’s get on the bus
It’s time to go
Let’s get on the bus
It’s time for the show
Let’s get on the bus…
Search for any threads on kids’ TV, and you’ll find posts condemning the Doodlebops. I allowed The Punkylette to watch one (1) episode of this, while I sat frozen, unable to comprehend the atrocity before my eyes. That was over a year ago, and she still requests this show by name. (I told her they don’t make it anymore, and distract her with something else. Hm. Perhaps she doesn’t remember the show, and just knows that saying the magic word “Doodlebops” will cause Mama to produce fun things to do.)
It frightens me that Canadians, whom I have always considered to be good, decent people, support this monstrosity to the extent that they apparently do. (I’m guessing the fist fights were caused by parents hitting the breaking point and stampeding the exits.)
God, the Doodlebops are horrifying. Makes the Wiggles look normal in comparison, although I don’t think they are actually that bad. I felt better about them once I found out that 3 of them have wives and kids… I still think Anthony is a stoner though.
This was my fifteen month old son’s favorite show for a while. He’s fallen out of love with them since season two began airing, and much prefers the Wiggles now, but will still stop what he’s doing to hear Let’s Get On the Bus.
Since I believe all threads about Canadian kids’ shows should have a link to their official website, here’s a http://www.doodlebops.com link to their official website. I have no opinion on said Doodlebops, other than that their music is pretty darn catchy.
I’m pretty sure that the entire season was shot over maybe a week, tops. There’s a metric ton of recycled material from episode to episode. Easily half of the first part of the show (the non-“live” part) is the same footage. The the live part starts, and there’s a signature song, followed by two or three previously used signature songs.
:hangs head in shame at knowing this much:
Didja know that the Wiggles were the highest earning Australian act in showbiz, earning $37 million last year?
I’ve said it before on these boards, this is my family’s all-time favorite fact about Australia. It can be worked into so many conversations:
Office Idiot - Russell Crowe is so dreamy!
Me - He makes less money than the Wiggles!
Bridge Playing Friend of PunkyMom - I think it would be wonderful to visit Australia.
Punkymom - The Wiggles make more money than any other entertainers in the whole country!
Random TV Person - Tom Hanks made more money than God last year.
Punky Relative - And the Wiggles were the highest paid musicians in Australia!
We probably have more fun with this than we should.
Did the last website link completely crash anyone else’s computer? Mine was just spazzing out. I don’t know what they have on there, but it gave my laptop a fit.