I guess this would be a couple of questions for Dopers in the ME or who’re familiar with the area’s languages and/or naming conventions. Well, the second question would be for pretty much anyone with qualifications.
So there’s this character named Iymeru. The only places I’ve found it online are in laundry lists of Arabic baby names or a mention of an ancient Egyptian official somebody. Unfortunately, neither version has any clues about how in the world to pronounce it. Help?
And then we got into a discussion of how to pronounce the name Isaac. I got into a debate over whether the initial vowel sound is a short I sound or a long I sound. Nobody’s ever smacked me on the knuckles for using the former as opposed to the latter – Dopers, have I been screwing up all these years with people too polite to tell me? :eek: If it helps, I had almost all of my speech therapy in Missouri, and not anywhere else.