Name That War!

CNN is calling it ‘Showdown: IRAQ’
MSNBC is calling it ‘Conflict with Iraq’
The New York Times is calling it ‘Standoff with Iraq’

Granted, these names are assigned to the actions leading up to war, but still, they lack…Panache. And that’s important when you’re undertaking something as serious as Armageddon. We just can’t go into this thing without a catchy name for our Headlines and Epitaphs. Something subtle yet succinct. Militant yet disarming. More charming than alarming.

I’ll go first to get the ball rolling.

*’*Desert Storm II: This Time It’s Personal’

Get out the banjos and the fiddles. We’re Goin’ Back To Iraqi Top. :stuck_out_tongue:

The ‘Justify to the public? Why? They’ll accept anything!’ war?

The Exxon Mobil BP War. Brought to you by the Ford Motor Company. Ford–our gigantic SUVs ensure that September 11th will be more than just a memory.

How about War is Peace? I thought Winston Smith would appreciate that one.

What’s wrong with the Second Gulf War? Is that not hip and modern enough? Does it have a bit of deja vu to it that is unpalatable? (Does anyone else feel like we’re going back in time? Bush is in the White House; we’re at war with Iraq; one of these mornings, I’m going to wake up convinced it’s 1991 and panic because I’ve forgotten to do my algebra homework!)

On preview, I’m not sure I can compete with Elvis. :smiley:

Since I was called out by name-

The “I’ll get you and your WMD’s too!” War

See?!? panache! Now we’re ready!

The first Gulf War was “Gulf War A”. This one will therefore be known as:


World War 3.

Oh, I think we have winner, folks!!

Stealing from Firesign Theatre, I’m gonna nominate “Marching to Shibboleth.” They’ve even got a song for it, which starts off:

We’ll go marching, marching to Shibboleth
with the eagle and the sword…

Sorry, can’t remember the rest of the words. :slight_smile:


The Hundred Minutes War

March (to Baghdad) Madness

The George Bush Desert Classic

Operation BitchSlap

Operation: Iraqi Troops Will Surrender to our Media Again

Gulf W. War

**Will Gulf for WMD **

Operation: Balistic Enema

My personal favorite is jjim’s. Well done.

The War to End All Wars III

The War To Prevent War. (See below)