Name the 50 bands or solo artists in this image

Since the idea seems to be that people will do the searching in this thread, that makes this a Thread Game. Moving.

Well, there is:

Men At Work
Barenaked Ladies
A Flock of Seagulls
Black Crowes
The Zombies
Pet Shop Boys
New York Dolls
Crash Test Dummies
Def Leopard
The Animals
T. Rex
The Commodores

I also see:

Arcade Fire
The War on Drugs
Danger Mouse
Kings of Leon
The Guess Who

The couple fixing the roof on the manger – The Carpenters


License plate: Van Halen

Oops sorry, always forget about Thread Games! Thanks for moving.

Since I haven’t seen a list of the answers I can also join in…

Level 42 - elf playing on handheld device
Danger Mouse - I think though it’s among other cartoon characters so could be something else
Wet Leg - lady near the front
Elbow - the wet legged lady gets albowed by the guy
Crowded House - at the back

Definitely Danger Mouse; along with Gnarls Barkley, he is half of the band Gnarls Barkley.

Oh and Santas Grotto has a 7 taped to it and the grotto looks like a shed. So: Shed 7

Snoop Dogg (the sign in the pet shop door)

And I assume the Robin is for the singer Robyn

Either or both of which could also be The Byrds

Taylor Swift

The line for Santa says “Queue this way only”. In other words, One Direction.
And there’s also a guy eating an ear of Korn.

Is Running with Scissors a band?

I see a lot of Men Without Hats.

Oh, and Santa is the guy in the wanted poster, who appears to have a vulva in place of a nose, but I’m not sure what either of those things means.

They were an early '90s band, though I don’t think they were particularly big.

That’s Tailor, (Swift).

Grateful Dead (dead guy with thank you note)

Or, White Zombie.

Oh, and if we’re going to count Men Without Hats, then I should point out that all of these People appear to be in a Village.

There’s also arguably Madonna, though that usually refers to Mary actually holding Jesus.

And all the assorted birds have Wings. I don’t see any Beatles, though.