What was the name of the comedian on Letterman last night, Mon 11/26/01? Supposedly, he’s from the Ed Sullivan era. His name doesn’t ring a bell for me, just a lad when the Beatles just broke up. What might I know this comedian from?
- Jinx
What was the name of the comedian on Letterman last night, Mon 11/26/01? Supposedly, he’s from the Ed Sullivan era. His name doesn’t ring a bell for me, just a lad when the Beatles just broke up. What might I know this comedian from?
According to TV Guide, Mort Sahl and Kelly Ripa were on last night. I think the former is the one you mean.
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Who is he? His stories were entertaining, but he lacked a comedic ability to play off the audience - like other comedic guests of Letterman’s. Maybe he’s just not good at impromptu comedy?
Mort Sahl was one of the first of the dark, intrellectual comics of the post-War years (WWII, that is). Lenny Bruce, Mort Sahl; a little later, Woody Allen. Elaine May and whoever the hell her partner is . . . He may be a bit worn-out by now, but he was Quite the Thing and very edgy c1950.
Mike Nichols was Elaine May’s partner. He went on to direct (including The Graduate) and to become the main squeeze of Diane Sawyer.