Nancy Pelosi's Husband Violently Attacked at Home [28 Oct 2022]

Mr pelosi had a skull fracture and injuries to his right hand and arm. The surgery was for the skull fracture.

Damn! Not good at any age, but at his age, quite worrisome. I hope he recovers completely.

Yes, skull fractures are very touchy. Going to be a difficult recovery.

Skull fracture needing surgery at 82. Fuck, that is not good news. Hope it’s better than it sounds.

As do I. He’s a strong guy though, having recently survived a car crash that totaled two cars.


This is the breaking news MPSIMS thread. I’m sure there’s interest in a political thread, seeing as the attack was aimed at a prominent politician and appears to be politically motivated.

If there’s one out there, I’m a gonna link to it. If there’s not, i will create one. But please keep politics out of this one.

Here you go

I’m wondering if Paul’s immediate response was because he had Life Alert or some similar call button. We’ll find out, I’m sure.

This is disgusting. I’d be just as offended if someone did this to Lauren Boebert’s husband, and he’s a convicted sex offender! I spoilered it because of the “jabs” warning.

Here’s a link to the attacker’s blog, in terms of crazy, it’s spectacular. Of course, I don’t know how long it will stay up, I’m kind of surprised it’s still here.

ETA, I signed up for a free account so I could see all the crazy, otherwise you’ll just see previews. But it’s ………extensive, the guy was really obsessed.

In his favor - he seems quite healthy for his age, he received immediate care and attention, and I’m positive he has great health coverage as a perk of being married to a member of Congress.

Best wishes for his speedy and complete recovery.

People who target the loved ones of people they disagree with are a special kind of evil.

Along these lines, my wife just read a headline “alleged attacker tied to nude activism.” Which I’m not going to look up right now.

He had a good friend named Gypsy Taub who was some sort of famous nudist, and he went to her wedding. That’s it.

The fact that this guy supposedly has good friends makes me nauseous.

I think the security follows them outside DC, but doesn’t extend to their families unless they’re with them.

While on protective detail, the jurisdiction of the Capitol Police extends throughout the United States. The Capitol Police are authorized to protect any Member of Congress and any member of the immediate family of any such Member, if the Capitol Police Board determines such protection to be necessary.

I’m surprised that Mr Pelosi isn’t properly armed and trained given the situation. He could have retreated to a bedroom and waited for the police.

So…you were there and witnessed everything, did you? Don’t hold back. Tell us exactly what went down and how it should have gone down. :roll_eyes:

Wow! Where did this come from?

I’m thinking Pelosi was armed with a smart watch or device. Better defense against a brute force attack. Outsmart them.

He showed that there are solutions other than a gun.