So last week, while the wife was out taking belly dancing lessons, I was also engaged in personal development, namely laying on the couch watching Fear Factor, special gross-out edition. What a great show. I don’t watch it often, but when I do it’s always a treat. There’s nothing quite like watching a hot Brazilian chick bob for plastic rings in a trough of cow’s blood to make you all warm and tingly inside.
Needless to say, I was thus in good spirits when I saw a commercial that piqued my interest like few others have. NBC is apparently hosting a Joe Millionaire-esque trainwreck, in which many women compete for the hand of some doofus, with the twist that the winner gets a million dollars and that everyone but the doofus knows this. Having watched Joe Millionaire all the way through :o, I am of course incredibly eager to see this newest debacle.
However, I can’t remember the name of the program or when it’s supposed to start. NBC’s website has nary a mention of it, and searching the SDMB turned up nothing. Can anyone help me out? Is this a real show, or just a Fear Factor-induced hallucination?
Assuming it is real, isn’t this just the greatest idea for a show in the whole wide world? Is anyone else excited about this?