You’ve probably watched a show or movie and found yourself struck by the chemistry between two characters that was definitely not as familial as it was supposed to be. Which characters had you wondering if they’d go all Game of Thrones on you?
Heroes: I for one was surprised that Claire and her uncle Peter didn’t end up dating. (I believe the actors portraying them did, though).
**Revolution: **Ditto Charlie and her uncle Miles, they certainly didn’t have a typical uncle-niece relationship…
House of Wax: In this remake it was hard to remember that Carly and Nick were supposed to be twins, not potential love interests. And even remembering that, I was half-surprised they didn’t kiss at the end of the movie.
Your examples?
Not quite what you’re looking for, but Jason Bateman had a love interest on “Arrested Development” that was played by his real-life sister, Justine.
Deadwood…Powers Booth getting oral from his IRL daughter…
Not actually a love interest. She was a hooker and gave Jason some suggestion that would have helped him. He then went into a running joke in the show when someone did that: “Marry me.” Then a pause and “That’s wrong on so many levels.”
Mea culpa. I never really watched the show. Was just going off of memory
Brothers and Sisters - another one influenced by the pair’s real-life relationship. The siblings on the show never met until adulthood, but the producers didn’t have the balls or creativity to address the issue head-on. They ret-conned away the family connection (and substituted a ridiculous alternate) to unite the couple - just about the time the actors broke up.
Wincest. A lot of the fans of **Supernatural **think the Winchester brothers are doing it.
We’ve all seen this Folger’s commercial, right?