Need costume ideas for a Buffy-themed party...

A friend is throwing a Buffy the Vampire Slayer-themed party in a few weeks, as a surprise party for a girl who’s a HUGE fan of the show. I have one problem.

I need costume ideas.

I’m a fairly big, dark-haired guy, so I’m thinking of going as Angel – wear lots of black, spike my hair up, squint a lot and look tortured. Or, if I can find a red leisure suit at a Salvation Army somewhere, combine it with green makeup and horns, go as Lorne.

I’ve got other friends who’re coming who are… shall we say… less than creative and I want to help them come up with costume ideas. (Both for men and women.)

So, Dopers, can you help me out? Make 'em as serious or as funny as you want, but need some ideas quick.

Pink fluffy bunny suit, go as Anya dressing for Halloween.

Get two people who look similar and dress them as Good Willow and Evil alt-Willow.

Get someone up in a black dress with a bag of dust and say they’re in mourning for someone Buffy dusted.

Don’t show up, then say you did but you were dressed as phantom Dennis.

Thanks, Otto - those are hysterical! I may have to use the ‘phantom Dennis’ idea.

I’ve just got to say that if you have a couple of spare Willows about, could you send one to me?

As for costume ideas, Spike is great for a guy willing to dye his hair.
For a girl, dress her up nice and slutty and have her go as Faith.

Doyle’s not a bad choice for a guy, either.

Well, for any Goth girls, Faith shouldn’t be too hard.

A girl could go in just a red satin pajama top from that episode where Xander had the witch cast the love spell and Willow showed up in his bed… she’d be *very[/] popular…

Trippy, space-cadet flower girl Drusilla.

Wesley–business suit and melee weapons.

Construction worker Xander.

Spike. Spike. Spike. Probably won’t be more than ten or twenty Spikes there…