OK. I hit a brick wall and googling drew a blank (someone’s had to have done this on the net before - but I’ll be damned, any keyword combination I used came up with merde).
I gotta put together a CD of songs that use French lines or lyrics.
All I can come up with off the top of my head is:
[ul][li]Psycho Killer – Talking Heads[/li][li]Ca Plane Pour Moi - Plastic Bertrand[/li][li]Lady Marmalade (Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi Ce Soir?) – LaBelle (Or that Moulin Ridge cover)[/li][li]Les Coeurs Jumeaux – Concrete Blond[/li][li]Lettres D’Amour – Sweet (Well at least the title & one line is French)[/li][li]Femme Fatale – Velvet Underground / REM – (Ditto)[/li][li](Intro to) Only Love Can Break Your Heart – Saint Entienne[/li][li]and maybe Bete’ Noir - Brian Ferryn (but I don’t recall the lyrics)[/ul][/li]…and that’s it. I KNOW there have to be A LOT more…at least enough to fill one 80-minute CDR.
So I ask you, amis qui savent, have any that come to mind? Any recommendations and all assistance are greatly appreciated.
Granted, they’re a french sort of gig, but I always dug that song - good beat. Actually the whole album is pretty good. (The No Comprendo, in case you’re wondering.)
Blur’s “To The End” has backing vocals in French provided by Stereolab’s Laetitia Sadier. And Stereolab have a few songs in French themselves, although I only know “Enivrez-Vous” (Get Drunk)
If you want some ambient dance on the CD, try some of Air’s songs. I’d recommend “Sexy Boy”.