Need help downloading file

Here’s a great little online guitar tuner. Right below the tuner it says, “download the guitar tuner to tune a guitar offline on your Mac or PC” which is what I’m trying to do. But when I click the Mac link to download, all I get on my computer is this.

So, what am I doing wrong. All help greatly appreciated.

That flickr link says I have to be signed in to see the content, so I don’t really know what happens when you click the link. Speculating a bit, though, one thing that can go wrong with downloading stuff is if your browser doesn’t understand that the link is to a file it should download, and instead tries to display the file as text, which generally results in a screenful of random characters.
Now if that’s the case, on a PC I’d suggest you right-click on the link and select “Save target as…” (or the equivalent) in the pop-up menu. I know you don’t have right mouse buttons on Macs, though, but I imagine you can achieve the same thing some other way.

Taking a look, it appears the tuner file itself has been compressed (like a zip file), but the program you need to uncompress it is StuffIt. I’m not sure if any other program will uncompress a .sit file.

Thanks, sorry about the bad link but the thing you describe is exactly what happens. I don’t know what the Mac equivalent of right-click is but I’ll poke around at it. In the meantime maybe a Mac user could offer some advice.

I assume it’s the “Mac” link in the sentence “download the guitar tuner to tune a guitar offline on your Mac or PC”?

That link goes directly to a .sit archived file. Right-click or Control-click on the link to get the context menu. Select “Download linked file as…” or similar option. Download to your desktop. Use Stuffit Expander to unarchive the file.

It appears to be a self-playing flash file. Interesting. It behaves exactly the same as the flash embedded in the web page.

I’m also surprised that they’re still using the .sit compression. This seems to be used much less often for OS X Macs, which have support for .zip compression built in.

Incidentally, the PC version works just as well on my Mac, because I have Crossover… it downloads a .zip archive, which unarchives to a .exe, which can then run under Crossover.