Need to Know

I think the government is doing a pretty good job letting the public know what is happening with the Anthrax situation, but as far as what is happening in Afghanistan, they have been, in my opinion, too secretive. I don’t mean we need a target schedule, but I would like journalists that are on-scene to have more access to information about what is happening inside Afghanistan. The Taliban is making all these bogus claims re: the U.S. poisoning food, and killing hundreds of civilians, etc. and we aren’t refuting it. I want to know what is happening, warts and all; not knowing makes me worry that we are never going to destroy the Taliban or get Bin Laden. And I’m worried that popular opinion will turn if we don’t get more information. How can the American people decide if we should expand the war to Iraq, for example, if we don’t understand why that may be necessary? This generation isn’t used to the body counts we had to endure every day during Vietnam. I was hoping we would never, never, have to see that kind of nightmare again.


I was walking by the room and thought I heard my name.

Carry on.