The Anthrax Attacks

Let me start by saying that I am not much for conspiracy theories and don’t usually subscribe to them. However, there is something that doesn’t feel quite right about the Anthrax attacks of 1 yr ago. Does anybody else feel this way? I don’t know what it is exacty, the timing of such attacks following September 11 and coinciding with beginning of the bioterror pandemonium. Followed a complete blackout of coverage by the media and statements from investigating authorities. Maybe I’m just being paranoid and reading into something that isn’t there. And in fact I am not offering up any plausible alternative theories. I just wanted to know if anybody else out there feels like there is a lot more to this story than we have been told?

I thought, and I still think, that the guy who did it is dead. Killed by his own “bug”. Hoist by his own petard.

Those envelopes lleaked. Like crazy.

Somewhere, maybe in some forgotten hunting cabin in the Pine Barrens, his body is rotting on his kitchen floor.

Ghod help the poor S.O.B. who finds him, though. That place’ll be contaminated as Hell.

I don’t remember any “blackout of coverage by the media and statements from investigating authorities”. I can’t google the links right now, but there has been plenty of coverage on this story, including not so long ago a renewed interest by the authorities in a specific scientist in a specific lab somewhere. I think what you’re seeing is this story being pushed out of the headlines by other, more pressing or interesting stories.

If conditions are just right you might see a media frenzy on this story as well, complete with “experts” who will talk about things they don’t know about with people who don’t understand squat about what they’re being told.

Check out ‘emerging infectious diseases’, a scientific journal put out by the CDC. Loads of stuff on these anthrax cases. If you haven’t seen any coverage, its a mass media conspiracy, not a government conspiracy.

(EID is also online for free…)

Well, if you ask me, the reason why the anthrax cases were down played, was the government wanted to focus the public fears on an out side enemy. After all, you did not have to be a genius to see that some rightwing wacko mailed the letters.

Nope, just paranoid.

you’re wrong, it’s OBVIOUS it was one of those Looney Leftists. :rolleyes:


After all, you did not have to be a genius to see that some rightwing wacko mailed the letters.

you’re wrong, it’s OBVIOUS it was one of those Looney Leftists

I think it was somebody who wanted us to fight among ourselves so we would forget about 911. But they found out we would fight among ourselves anyway and stopped the attacks.