Never color your wife’s hair. It’s utterly impossible to be deeply apologetic while still keeping her calm.[/ul]
Hmm, my dad colors my mom’s hair all the time.
Well no, he used to. She got tired of having to wait for “an appointment” with him and found it easier to make an appointment with a shop. They have more flexible hours
Vaseline on the hairline, mate!
Oh, damn.
Oh, damn.
Oh, damn.
I can’t even imagine…
I wish my husband would color my roots on the back of my head. It’s so difficult to hold up a mirror and to look at my reflection in another mirror and then have to reverse all the motions.
What’s so hard about it? I do Mrs. FtG’s all the time (including just 2 weeks ago).
I do my girlfriend hair, I recently graduated to doing highlights and low lights. Her hairdresser did such a bad job of blending the colors she figured I couldn’t do any worse. Mine came out great.
OK, but what are some other lessons you’ve all learned through unfortunate first-hand experiences in your marriage?
Whatever you can’t imagine, it was much worse.
Did this last weekend. I did however, have to spend 2 hours at her hairdresser’s place getting the proper training.
Things not to do? Easy.
Never call Love of Your Life 2.0, 1.0’s name. EVER. Under Any Circumstances.
Suggest maybe she should try any form of physical exercise that doesn’t involve you doing it together. In fact, even then you are on dangerous ground.
Putting up wallpaper is not a fun couples’ weekend project. Seriously. If you value your marriage, hire professionals to do it.
Thinking of buying an RV or camper trailer? IT’S A TRAP! Don’t do it! All those smiling faces in the ads? LIES!
Go find a copy of The Long, Long Trailer. Watch it. Understand it.
I’m sure some of you don’t have this problem, but if the bathroom door is closed, you better be 15 seconds from death if you come knocking. Even that’s not a good excuse.
I really, really, really, really, really want to know what happened. It’s pretty difficult to screw up boxed color. I am very suspicious that this was not the sole responsibility of the OP. Choosing the wrong color in the first place is one way to screw it up…
Ask me anything. Colored my own hair for 25 years. One stylist missed a spot during bleaching once (that I left to the pros when I did bleach-necessary color), but that’s it.
It was a “blonding” project. She bought a box that had some powdered bleaching agent that I had to add to the bottle. Actually I talked her into that specific box at the store (mistake #1 this weekend). Then I talked her into letting it set for 45 minutes (box said between 10 and 60-- mistake #2). I then proceeded to turn her head into a leopard due to, apparently, not working the product evenly into her thick mane of hair. Orange up front, spotted all over. Seriously, it look tie-dyed. I failed, and I failed spectacularly.
She went to Sally’s the next day and they took care of everything. Didn’t even seem phased when she said “My husband colored my hair last night and turned me into a leopard.” The sales lady just nodded knowingly and took her to the product she needed to repair it.
Only ever date women with the same first name as your wife. Words to live by.
I have a friend who does autobody work that does absolutely wonderful acrylic nails - as he calls it, bondo for people.
A smart man marries his second wife first.
Ahhh. nods knowingly Yes, bleach is tricky. Though I work in a very liberal, no dress code place, and I’m betting there is more than one person here who would love it. Well, maybe not until they added more colors to the spotting. Rainbow leopards!
I’m still married to the first. It’ll be 29 strife-free years pretty soon. I think I’m probably doing something right. And no, it doesn’t really include same-named dates.
Never do anything that involves teaching your partner a sport. My husband’s attempts to teach me tennis ended with me in tears. I didn’t even let him try to teach me to ski. I took lessons.
I second the caution flag on the home improvement projects. My sister tells me that putting up the giant play structure saved them $150 and almost cost them their marriage.
This. Wallpaper in general is of the devil.