New Arrival

My new niece was born this morning at 9:40 am. She’s 6 lb 13 oz and 19 inches long. She has black hair and blue eyes. And her name is Darien.

passes out candy cigars :cool:

Congrats, ** Kat! ** Hey Darien! :wink:

smokes candy cigar

Hey! congrats to you on Darien. Here’s her first kiss by a stranger XOXOXO. I’m gonna be three grandpas in a few hours. Gimme a kiss for Riley Olivia. (One for Nicky and Rinoa would be okay too.)

How is that pronounced? Dare-ee-an? Cute name.

Congratulations. :slight_smile:

Congrats on the new little one, Kat! :smiley:

sings “congratulations and celebrations… doo, doo ,dooo, doo doo, doo”- Great news, Kat :slight_smile: