New Guy -With Real Content!

Hello, all, I’m CS, and a long-time lurker (from Reader print columns in the late 90’s onward). I have always enjoyed reading the (sometimes spirited) discussion on the board. I like extrapolating personalities out of disparate posts, and feel like I know half of you by now. It’s nice to see my name with that “Charter Member” byline.

A few random questions:
[li]Volvos…are they still good cars post-Ford acquisition?[/li][li]Are there ever Chi-area Dopefests?[/li][/ul]

That’s all. Thanks in advance for the inclusion and witty repartee!

Welcome, did you bring pie? Or goat?

Kytheria, you here?

Ready and waiting. :wink: I’ve got the goat and calamari all ready…
Cemetary Savior, welcome to the boards! smooch Just sit right down here and relax… everything will be juuuust fine…

I DO like goat, but only from a mediterranean restaurant…come to think of it, I also enjoy calamari!

Wait…is this actually a Bon Apetit message board? 'Cause I’m in, if that’s the case!
Thanks for the hello.

Welcome to the boards.

We vary enormously from the pie posters to the π posters (so to speak).

Always give cites to back up your factual assertions!

Welcome to our playground. Since you’ve been lurking, you know that my affections are easily bought with offerings of chocolates. And if you don’t want my affections, fine. Be like that. It’s a free country.

I DO like goat, but only from a mediterranean restaurant…come to think of it, I also enjoy calamari!

Wait…is this actually a Bon Apetit message board? 'Cause I’m in, if that’s the case!
Thanks for the hello.

I’t kinda depressing…CS has been a “Charter Member” for less than a month and already almost has more posts than me. It sucks to be under-educated and non-creative. Oh yeah, I almost forgot…

Welcome to the First Class Lounge, Cemetery Savior, I hope you enjoy your stay.

Sorry about having to put that in a spoiler…don’t want people to think that I’m too social.

Yes, darling, that’s exactly what we mean… just come this way, down these stairs, and I’ll explain it all to you…

Oh, put on this shower cap, would you?

24 posts, and CS already has managed a double-post! Such talent should be rewarded!

No blindfold for Cemetery Savior!


I’ll assume that the shower cap is for the delicious, but slightly splattery sauce for the calamari?

Hey…my first accidental double posting! Wow…a day of firsts.

You just keep telling yourself whatever you want to believe CS, just as long as it takes you to your happy place…

Yes, yes, of course… pats shoulder soothingly, leads down flight of stairs

The Roto-Rooter Machine has been filled full of cooking oil. But now, we use Canola Oil. Very healthy, we are.

Cemetery Savior, are you fond of Canola Oil?
If the answer is “no” don’t worry, we’ll take care of that.

Cemetery Savior, are you fond of goats? Very, very, very fond of goats?
If the answer is “no” don’t worry, we’ll take care of that.

Cemetery Savior, before we begin the Initiation Rites, are you allergic to garlic? Holy Water?
If the answer is “no” don’t worry, we’ll take care of that.

Cemetery Savior, are you shy?
If the answer is “no” don’t worry, we’ll take care of that.

We’ll really take care of that!!! :smiley:

So whats with CS? did you save someone in a graveyard? Do you work in one? Are you God? Inquiring minds probably dont want to know…but I do!

Ok, you need a shower cap and…not those…, or those either,… or those, just this.

Now, carefully follow Kytheria (don’t worry, she does’t bite - well, not the new people, well, maybe not yet) and BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU STEP!!!

leads CS downstairs

comes back up, dusting hands Well, that was easy!

sounds of awful wails

Oh, I’m sure he’ll be just fine. :wink:

I have this rather odd picture in my mind (such as it is). Let’s see if I have the “procedure” correct.

I put on a shower cap. I get coated in canola (healthy!) oil, and stuffed into a goat while wearing strategically-placed calamari?

Shy? Not very, but I would at least like to be introduced to the goat. And the calamari, for that matter.

As long as there’s no (shudder) pudding involved. It would remind me of “The State” (sketch comedy-thing) where they were forever trying to “get that butt in the pudding…$170 worht of pudding”.

I’m bad at quotes…that may be wrong.

No, no pudding. But you won’t be shoved into the goat. Rather…


That was a freaking great sketch, how could I forget that one.

Now, back to pressing matters… you have the whole goat thing a little backwards my friend, but you are in the right ballpark. You’ll just wish the goat was the one with the canola oil on.