New kitty!

Well, not really brand new…the vet says that she’s about 8 months or so old. But new to the Bodoni household.

My husband, who will tell you loudly and repeatedly that he doesn’t like cats, went to the mechanic’s shop to see about his driveshaft or something similarly manly. While he was there, a rather scrawny grayish-black cat begged for his attention. He learned that the kitten had just shown up a while ago, eager to be petted and fed, and that the mechanic was about to take her to the pound. My husband (who doesn’t like cats) decided that we had room in our home for one more cat. So he took her to the vet’s, where she was poked and prodded and tested and bathed, and then brought her home. She spent a few hours in the cat carrier with the door open. She was probably wondering what else the day had in store for her. After a bit of a nap, she started wandering around the house. She found the litter box, and the water dish. Either she doesn’t like our cat food or she isn’t hungry. Or possibly she just hasn’t eaten anything in front of us. At any rate, she spent the evening snuggled up against my daughter, who loves cats, or my husband, who will say he doesn’t like cats), getting petted. The two adult cats are very, very upset. This is an intruder, they keep saying. Don’t we recognize the enemy when it purrs at us? So far, there’s just been hissing and growling, but no actual fighting. The kitten hasn’t been making any aggressive moves, and I expect that the adult cats will soon become accustomed to her.

Right now, though, I’m having to pay a LOT of attention to the adult cats.

Oh, and my husband, who doesn’t like cats, has started calling this kitten HIS cat.

All right! Congratulations on your new addition. All this thread needs now is some pictures and we’re all set! :slight_smile: Did you give the kitten a name?

My dad hated our dog, Mabel, because she was a small Silky Terrier and not a “real dog”. But if he hated her so much, who was that man always calling her a good dog, and a smart dog, and a nice dog when he thought no one else could hear? And emailing me after she died saying she was a good dog and he misses her? And then making me a shirt with her picture on it and sending it across the country?

And a tiny hijack. My name is also Lynn. And now back to your regularly scheduled kitten thread.

HAH! They all succumb in the end. :smiley:

My husband is such a freak about our cats that he can’t go away for more than a weekend because he misses them!

We brought a new kitty in from the woods almost a year ago…and our youngest had been around about a year. She hates his guts.

Every day is a hissing, spitting, swatting fest. He weighs 25 lbs and she intimidates him so much that he’s afraid to enter a room sometimes. And she’s a little bitty girl of 6-7 lbs!

Loving the kitties.

My parents did not want a cat when I was a kid. They were dog people. Then a scrawny black cat snuck into our back yard. And then into our house. That was about 16 years ago. He’s still there. Dad hated him at first, but now he’s the first to pick him up and coo little nothings into his ears. The poor cat is really on his last life, and they keep saying when he goes that’s it! No more pets! Then just last week Mom said somthing about how nice it would be to have a kitten in the house again…

Bird Man’s dad was the same way. Hated cats! Only good for dog bait! Grrr! Then Bird Man had to keep his cat at his parent’s house for a few months while he found a cat-friendly apartment. His dad adopted a cat from the pound shortly after Bird Man took his cat back. When he died we inherited the cat and appx. 3 million little “A house isn’t a home without a cat” magnets.

Cats. I haven’t met a person yet they couldn’t win over.

Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians worshipped cats as sacred. Cats have not forgotten this.

Where are the pictures? We need pictures!
I’m so tempted to go to the shelter and get a kitten. We lost Maxx last month to a car. My husband has been having bad/ sad dreams about Maxx. Yesterday morning he woke up sobbing. We held each other for a while , and agreed it would be foolish to get a kitty just before we move, and we still have the girls…
I bet we have a sweet little boy kitty before long.

Hmm…you should probably get out more. :stuck_out_tongue:

My parents put our beloved cat to sleep in 2001, and I miss him all the time and think about him every day. I can’t get cats where I live now, but once my work situation is more stable and I have a place of my own, I’d love to get two cats so they can be pals. I’ll adopt from a shelter and possibly get somewhat older cats, since I think kittens have an easier chance of being placed in good, loving homes.

We must listen to picunurse - dammit, pictures, people, PICTURES!

S’matter of fact, can we get this put into the User Signup Agreement? Something along the lines of “announcements of new pet kitties/puppies/gerbils/etc. must be accompanied by links to cute 'n fuzzy pictures of said critter. Failure to do so will result in instant banning”.

I suppose that second sentence is optional.

One of my co-workers came in absolutely giddy with good news this morning-- his wife’s cat, who’d been missing for nearly two weeks, came home last night. He really doesn’t like cats, though. Nope, not at all.

Crusoe is adamant that he doesn’t like cats. At the moment we can’t have pets in our flat, so it’s not a problem, but as soon as we can…I’m sure he’ll learn to like them.

Well, I’ve found that those who can’t be won over really don’t quite qualify as people.

Kidding!! Kidding!!

sort of…

Awwww! Congratulations! hugs

My first husband hated cats (but wait, there’s more) One icy Feburary morning in Kansas City, I heard a noise on our back porch. Now, it was an enclosed porch, in a fenced yard, so noises were not allowed. I peek through the curtain… no slashers, but a little shadowy shape moving around in the corner.
I opened the door to a blast of subzero to find a HUGELY pregnant little orange and white patch work, trying to find a warm/comfortable spot.
Since Hubby was a cat hater, but presently at work, I found a box, lined it with two old coats, found some not too hairy leftovers, and a dish of almost warm water. I made her as comfortable as I could, on the cold porch. I was afraid if I brought her in, Hubby would be so upset, he might turn her out in the snow again.
He got home at 4:30, and I started telling him the sad story. Even though he Hated Cats, He did have a kind heart. I thought he’d allow her to stay in the nest I’d made for her, at least until she had her kittens.
To my great surprise, he said it was too cold and I should put her in the basement “ONLY UNTIL THE KITTENS ARE BORN, THEN SHE HAS TO GO”
She settled in and 3 days later, I hear, mew, mew, mew from the basement.
It happened to be a Saturday, so Man was home. When he heard the little sounds, his first words were, “ok, now she has to go.”
Tears sprang to my eyes, and I whispered, “but they’ll die.”
Immediately, he looked so horrified, you might have thought he’d stepped on one of them.
This was all before either of us saw them. There were Four kittens. Three carbon copies of mommy, and one blue-gray one, much larger than the others. He was the one making all the noise.
So, they stayed for 6 weeks, during which time Hubby never wavered.
I found out the the mommy belonged to a neighbor who’d gone on vacation, and her house sitter, had let the kitty out. So mom was taken care of. Unfortunately, the old woman wanted no part of the kittens, saying she’d take her cat back when the kittens were gone.
I found homes for the 3 dainty girls, but I hadn’t tried very hard with the big brute boy.
One day, about a week before the girls were to go to their new homes, Hubby was in the basement doing man things, when I heard him laughing. I went down and the kitten box was upside down. Orange sundae kittens were racing three directions, and a loud mew, bang, could be heard from under the box. The girl s had been able to jump out of the box for days, but not the brute. Hubby said that with a look of determination (what cat hater sees expressions on a cat?) Brut had simple marched up the side of the box until it fell over.
Then the most astonishing words came out of hubby’s mouth…“Can we keep him?”
Brut, (like the aftershave) was his cat from then on.
I once heard him telling someone that he hated cats, but Brut was ok, because he was part monkey.

picunurse, thanks so much for sharing that wonderful story!

Congratulations on the new kitty ! I enjoyed reading all the kitty stories , and am now going to add my own :stuck_out_tongue: .

I am an animal lover . I love all animals . Horses & dogs arw my favorites , but I have always loved cats , as well . My father has been in very poor health , and I have been living with him as his care-taker . He was not a cat person . Did not like cats AT ALL .

Over the past few months , his health went downhill fast . He went into respritory failure multiple times and was declared clincally dead twice . Yet he would recover , come home from the hospital , and immidiately begin smoking again . He often told me his final breath would have a puff of smoke coming out of it , and I would counter this by saying as soon as he was dead , I was getting a cat . It became a running joke between us .

Last Saturday , May 7 , I woke up to find that Dad had died sitting on the edge of his bed . He had been smoking a cigarette . He held up to his part of the pact , so after everything was taken care of that afternoon , I went to PetSmart , and adopted a long-hair brown tabby with white bib & paws . She was scheduled for euthanasia in 2 days . Her name is Ruby , and she marched into the house , told the dogs she was the new queen here , and set out the new rules for them .

It was closure for me , an oath with Dad fulfilled . I am good for Ruby , and Ruby is definitely good for me . Nothing like being purred to sleep .

I will ALWAYS consider myself a dog person , but Ruby definitely has a place in my heart & home forever .


Nah, they just haven’t met the right kitty. My grandmother is now 86 yrs old, and hated cats all her life (“filthy animals, always stealing food from the table!”). She lives with my parents, and a couple years ago they got a tiny black kitten. Now that’s all she talks about. (Though there may be an “enemy of the enemy” bond as well - there’s also a huge dog, an Akita, in the household who is too much for my grandmother to handle.)

Kitty! Squeee! I want to see pictures, too!

Luna, the larger and older of the Neville kitties, was about 8 months old when we adopted her. We had gone to the shelter looking for an adult cat. This shelter didn’t have cages- they kept the cats in rooms with glass walls and doors. Most rooms had just one cat, but they had one larger room where they kept several young cats- not tiny baby kittens, but generally under 1 year. When I stood outside the door of that room, the cat that would become our Luna looked through the door at me, and let out this loud meow. When I went into the room and picked her up, she started licking my face. That was it- she and one of her fuzzy little roommates were going home with us, even if we had been looking for adult cats instead of kittens.