New rule proposal

Could we make a new rule that all threads glorifying Jackson will be moved to the Pit? And by glorifying, I mean anything that doesn’t acknowledge that he was a murderer and terrorist.

Just to clarify, I’m talking about the Indian Hater.


[puts back the Judas cradle, the iron maiden of Nuremberg and the rack back into storage]

I love this. Of course, I’d love it even better if all 4000 or so of us get to have special rules for our pet peeves. Wait a sec. Let me get out my list. Sorry it’s so long…

I’m not saying Jackson was a good guy, 'cause he definitely wasn’t, but we don’t have such rules for Hitler, Pol Pot, or any of the other genocidal maniacs who make Old Hickory look like a piker.

(And I admit, until I read the second post I was thinking, “Sure, King Kong was a bit long and the slo-mo effect was overused, but I don’t think…ohhhhhh”)

Look, he was found innocent of pedophilia. Sure, he’s a bit strange, but hasn’t he been punished enough by the late night comedians?

Actually, while we’re at it, how about we ban all GD threads on the Holy Roman Empire? I’m so SICK of all these Charlemagne threads!

I’m really disappointed w/this request of yours.
your inability to have any nonpit type comments on the person should not preclude any one else’s interest in having a conversation.

or is this another satirical thread to comment on some one else;s unreasonable request?

I hated “Lawyers In Love” as much as the next guy but I think this is unreasonable.

Why are you picking on poor Tito?

Jackson who?

~ She who lives in Nashville but has refused to set foot in the Hermitage for over forty years…

So I can’t interest you in a ticket to the Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner?



I don’t remember any indians at all in King Kong. Some stereotypical naitve islanders perhaps…

Well, if the thread is saying that Hitler was a fine young man who did a lot of good for Germany, was admired by his contemporaries, misunderstood by posterity, and made into a monster by Jewish revisionists, then fine by me — shoot that sucker off to Giraffe.

Definitely. Would you have enough tickets for a few thousand of my friends? (We’d like backstage access, please.) :wink:

Could we also have a rule that all threads glorifying liberal principles could be whisked off to the Pit, where conservatives would have access to the range of choice epithets needed to excoriate such misguided thinking?

Can we have a rule that inserts “Doofus” under Lib’s username?

For a libertarian, you really like rules.

I propose a ban on the misuse of the word “glorify”. Talking about Jackson is not de facto “glorification”. Likewise, video games do not “glorify” violence everytime someone gets whacked; television programs do not “glorify” sex just because someone gets it on; and movies do not “glorify” drugs just because someone smokes a joint.

How about a rule forbidding personal insults in this forum? Oh, wait.

Not that it would be enforced in this instance, but still…

Why should a libertarian dislike rules? This is a privately owned site, and whether its rules suit us is a decision we all are free to make.