New Single by Cake: Sick of You

Heard it yet? Official video here.

  • The good news: it’s Cake and they seem to have locked into a sound that works for them - like Short Skirt / Long Jacket(I song I love, love, love and my kids enjoy as the theme music to Chuck), Sick of You has the same arrangement: Cool guitar riff, flat-toned/hip vocal, simple groove/percussion, interesting use of horns for added spice…if you like Cake and SS/LJ you will like this.

  • The bad news: if you don’t like Cake or the lead singer’s hipper-than-thou droll delivery, you won’t like this either :wink:

I like it, but then I love Cake.
Did you catch them on Conan the other night? I thought that it was a more “high energy, get the crowd singing type thing” than you’d expect from John McCrea’s aforementioned droll delivery.

Just wanted to [del]smugly[/del] casually mention that the trumpet player is my cousin. (Okay, third cousin. Our grandfathers were first cousins.) So, yay, Cake and people who love them!

Yay indeed!That’s cool!
I think that they’ve become my favorite band over the last few years.

They’ve been playing it on alternative radio here for 3 or 4 weeks I think but the album doesn’t come out till much later, right?

For some reason, that white rabbit bothered me, and I had to stop watching. I still love “Sitting in the Alpha Beta Parking Lot” though. Who knew I had an issue with rabbits?

Sheep Go To Heaven has been my favorite song to crank around people who annoy me for at least a decade.
My actually loving the song doesn’t hurt, but the fact that it somehow annoys stupid people is a bonus!*
*Not liking the song doesn’t automatically mean you’re stupid, not even to me. I just work with a lot of narrow-minded stupid people.

Here’s the clip, I think:

I saw it - they did really well, but I prefer the studio version simply because, given the sparse arrangement and McCrea’s delivery, it balances the parts out a bit better.

gallows fodder **- very cool!

Heh. I’ve met one or more of them in person back when they were barely more than a bar band in Sacramento. And then, I repaired an equipment case for 'em.

All of this was back in what, 1994 or so?

They do at least have a unique sound. Ran across Sick of You on the radio a while ago, and thought “Hmm. Something new from Cake.”

Hah! Lady Chance and I saw them open for Counting Crows at the Niteclub 9:30 in DC. We called him Mr. Versatility because of his many roles.