The good news: it’s Cake and they seem to have locked into a sound that works for them - like Short Skirt / Long Jacket(I song I love, love, love and my kids enjoy as the theme music to Chuck), Sick of You has the same arrangement: Cool guitar riff, flat-toned/hip vocal, simple groove/percussion, interesting use of horns for added spice…if you like Cake and SS/LJ you will like this.
The bad news: if you don’t like Cake or the lead singer’s hipper-than-thou droll delivery, you won’t like this either
I like it, but then I love Cake.
Did you catch them on Conan the other night? I thought that it was a more “high energy, get the crowd singing type thing” than you’d expect from John McCrea’s aforementioned droll delivery.
Just wanted to [del]smugly[/del] casually mention that the trumpet player is my cousin. (Okay, third cousin. Our grandfathers were first cousins.) So, yay, Cake and people who love them!
For some reason, that white rabbit bothered me, and I had to stop watching. I still love “Sitting in the Alpha Beta Parking Lot” though. Who knew I had an issue with rabbits?
Sheep Go To Heaven has been my favorite song to crank around people who annoy me for at least a decade.
My actually loving the song doesn’t hurt, but the fact that it somehow annoys stupid people is a bonus!*
*Not liking the song doesn’t automatically mean you’re stupid, not even to me. I just work with a lot of narrow-minded stupid people.
I saw it - they did really well, but I prefer the studio version simply because, given the sparse arrangement and McCrea’s delivery, it balances the parts out a bit better.
Heh. I’ve met one or more of them in person back when they were barely more than a bar band in Sacramento. And then, I repaired an equipment case for 'em.
All of this was back in what, 1994 or so?
They do at least have a unique sound. Ran across Sick of You on the radio a while ago, and thought “Hmm. Something new from Cake.”