New Usama Tape: real, important, he's alive?!

Hold on now – what gives the tape any special authority? Perhaps it’s a red herring.

Beagle, you don’t happen to have the original article in memory somewhere, do you?

Makes me wonder if the media were cough influenced to revise their reporting.

Scary stuff.

Beagle, if you’re using IE, disconnect your network, click “go offline” in your Options, then go back to the page via your history (otherwise it’ll auto-update).

Personally I think some people are maybe getting a wee bit paranoid…

Check back to my ABC link tomorrow and see if the passage that I C&Ped is still there. If it isn’t, I’ll retract my paranoia assertion.

In fact, yes, here is the relevant part, meaning I cut it off when they changed the subject.

Maybe this link will work. I doubt it.

Look at this weirdness:

That article is from TODAY at 12:06 CST. So three hours ago, Al-Jazeera DENIED even having that tape, yet Powell had a transcript!?!?

“Do not fight to seek victory for the ignorant government of Iraq.” - yeah, you can just tell they’re buddies…

Not to question Beagle, but is the missing statement in other translations of the tape?

Thank you for preserving the original MSNBC article.

In my view, the deletion of bin Laden’s statement calling for the ouster of Saddam is hugely significant, not only for what it tells us about the relationship between al Queda and Iraq, but also for what it tells us about Bush’s fabricated justifications for invading Iraq.

It seems clear that the “nexus” between MSNBC and the US Government is far more intimate than that between Saddam and bin Laden.

Someone on CNN Headline news just claimed “Osama claimed to be brothers with Saddam Hussein” - I think due to their shared enemy, but the exact quote slipped from my mind.

“O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.” Qur’an 005.051

I left my computer on for the historical record - or out of habit.

As for any questioning of my motives, you various scaliwags. As usual, I had an obscure interest in part of the article which relates to another thread. Hardly worth cutting and pasting an article on a message board, posting a link to it, and making the quotes up. I’m not a deceitful moron. I just posted first. I literallly got the story as it was being released.

I think that the translator was interpreting the statements of Usama to mean that he supported the ouster of Saddam. I don’t think Usama came out and said it. I think Usama was advocating a strong fight against the United States for Islamic reasons, not to support Saddam. That is not, IMO, so much as support for an ouster but general contempt. But, since I don’t speak Arabic, I can’t be sure. I did watch the whole address, switching between the news channels.

Beagle, I hope you don’t think I was questioning your honesty. I was just trying to get conformation. I would like to know if the originial translation was in error or they wanted to change the meaning for other reasons. I don’t see why they would change the translation for other reasons. If bin Laden clearly says oust Saddam, could MSNBC even hope to cover this up? Well, it seems every news station is using this to show a link with Iraq, so maybe.

Not really. That was quite odd. I went to the same story later and it had changed. I’ve always liked the word “scaliwags.”

The lefty blogosphere is buzzing about the change in the MSNBC article. Eschaton has a picture

Not only does this underscore the mendacity of the Bush case for Saddam Bin Laden, but it also shows how much power that administration has over the news we read.

Liberal media indeed…

Upon reflection: Usama wants the Iraqis to fight the United States. He hopes that he can force the US to inflict large numbers of civilian casualties on ordinary Iraqis who fight back. After the war, in the rubble and chaos, he can step in and fill a void. He thrives in chaos, disorder, and failed states.

Usama’s worst fear is that the US scores a quick, mostly bloodless, victory over Saddam and actually starts to turn Iraq around.

Saddam and Usama share a pan-Arab philosophy. Saddam is secular, Usama is religious. They hate and need each other right now. Both of them share two common goals: one, an expansionistic Arab mega-state, and, two, the destruction of the United States.

How did I forget #3, the destrucion of Israel?

I think this conspiracy stuff will turn out to be due to the MSNBC translator being asked to analyze the overall impact of the address and not some attempt to withdraw key information.

Logically: the majority of the speech deals with the fighting the US and defending Iraq. Usama does not want a quick overthrow of Saddam, unless he can guarantee a long costly war to follow.

bin Laden wants that, but you omitted something:

bin Laden wants America to invade Iraq and to take Iraq’s oil, because that, like mass killing, will radicalize muslims.

That is significant because if, as I believe, America’s real reason for invading Iraq is to take Iraqi oil, America is playing into bin Laden’s hands, and Bush’s proferred justification – the “war on terror” – is not only a lie, but the exact opposite of the truth.

bin Laden wants Bush to overthrow Saddam, kill many Iraqis and occupy Iraq and take its oil, because all of that enhances bin Laden’s credibility, therefore his power.

But even more disturbing than the fact that Bush is playing bin Laden’s game (after breaking his vow to “get” bin Laden) is the fact that the media has revealed its abject subservience to government power, which ought to be profoundly disturbing to any American.

Regardless of whether he calls for Saddam’s ouster it’s pretty clear that the tape in no way suggests that Saddam and al-Quaeda are working together; quite the opposite to the extent that he calls Saddam an “infidel”. By claiming that it does the administration is undermining its own credibility; not that it has too much left.

Here is a nice piece in Slate about the same:

“Scal’a’wags” Aye nott spl gud.
I’m sure that oil plays into all politics in the Middle East. Right now, until proven otherwise, I’m going to assume that the US has ideas concerning an “oil trust” for the Iraqi people. I know there are plans to move toward a civilian government. If the oil money is kept, and handed over to a new civilian government, and there is a huge injection of international aid, Iraq could rebound quickly.

As much as people claim the US wants a long-term presence in Iraq, I cannot help but think how disasterous that is bound to be. The White House must see that.