New use for Rohypnol?

Has anyone heard of this?

A person I work with was in Amsterdam for business. He was out sightseeing and asked a person on the street for directions. The stranger offered to lead him to his destination. He walked with the person for about 20 minutes, and near the end of his trip, was offered a cookie out of a package by the man . The man ate the first cookie and handed my friend another.

My friend continued to walk along and decided to eat the cookie…

About 8 hours later he woke up in an Amsterdam hospital. His cash was gone, but the robber left his credit cards. Apparently, he had signed a receipt with an ambulance driver, but he has no recollection of doing so.

He is OK (I hear him telling the story to someone right now), but freaked out, understandably…

Has this happened to anyone else?

Does your friend still have both of his kidneys?

That was the first question I asked when I heard the story…