New York Dopers Check In Thread

Well, with the World Trade Center attack, and the questions on the other threads about New Yorkers, I thought I’d start a New Yorker check in thread.

Several New York dopers have posted in the other thread, and I’ve spoken with Pucette. I’ll try to list the other thread posters in a second.

My big concern is that vix works in 2 World Trade Center, the second building hit.


Other New York dopers that have posted are:

Ukulele Ike

Rosebud and Zebra have also posted

Well I’m here and besides Vix dosen’t Sua work downtown?

first person I thought of was Vix, doesn’t she work in the trade center?
I still can’t get any of my friends downtown on their cell phones.
Up in the 20’s were way ok here.

There’s nothing I can do right now besides post and send IMs so that’s what I’m doing… I hope vix is ok.

SuaSponte works in New York Plaza, several blocks below the WTC.

soulsling, I can’t reach anyone on cell either. My summer assistant is from Italy and she’s in tears trying to reach her family to let them know she’s ok and the Sprint network, at any rate, is jammed.

stuyguy here, alive and well. My sister works about a block from the WTC. I have not heard from her. I hope she is well.

Where’s Eve?

I don’t think Eve is close to that part of town.

Vix, I’m praying like hell for you. If you possibly can please check in soon.

Eve works in midtown.

My phone line only gets dial tone sporadically, and when I do and when I try to call out of the city I get an all circuits are busy message.

Dr. Matrix, Cajun Man, stuyguy. My old Empire Blue Cross crew. Oh my god. Oh my god.

dalovindj, who works on Wall Street, posted in the Pit.

Checking in. I hadn’t left the house for work when it happened. Now, of course, I’m not going near the subways.

I don’t know which Tower Vix worked in, but I have the cold feeling it was the South Tower. People from floors higher than she managed to get out before the collapse, but I know no more than that.

I’m checking in. I’m in princeton, and totally freaked out. That’s all. I can’t think of anything else to say.

Vix, woman, I’m praying for you.

Hope all you NYC people are okay.

Apparently the shorter tower is completely gone. Is that 1 or 2? I’m really worried for Vix.

Where in the hell is Maeglin? I can’t get through to his cell phone at all and I haven’t seen him on the boards today. And Nen? He’s been commuting to NYC.

Jesus. I’m so scared.

Isn’t Maeglin in NYC? Anyone heard from him?