Next time I post, I will be living in China.

I’m leaving for China at 7:07 a.m. on Sunday, August 17. It’s also my 25th birthday.

Just thought I’d drop by to tell you all. I’m teaching at a rather elite private school in TEDA, Tianjin, China. I’m very excited and nervous.

Actually, I’m more than excited and way more than nervous. It’s a huge opportunity and is quite scary. But, in my simple opinion, it forces me to lean on God, which is a plus(to me, remember).

Anyway, I will continue to post here as time allows, assuming my internet connection is fast enough that this page doesn’t move slow(er).

Bye! Wish me luck!

Good luck. Have fun

What city will you be living in?

Good luck. Have fun

What city will you be living in?

Mods, can you lock this post? Somehow, even though I swear I was in MPSIMS, it double posted, once in there and once here.

Aesiron, I will live in Tianjin. Go ahead and post over at the MPSIMS thread.