… is contained within a seven-page pitch document sitting on my desk right now! I just finished dropping in the last piece of concept art. In a few minutes I’ll email it off to my producer.
It’s got compelling characters and completely original gameplay! It’s so simple you can learn to play in five minutes. It’s so deep it can take months to master! It’s funny and innovative and designed to be totally addictive! It will spawn many sequels and imitators! It will eat up millions of hours of free time and destroy marriages!
And you heard about it here first!
(I’m not usually such an egomaniac … but I’m really chuffed about this game idea. Realistically it faces a huge number of hurdles. Even though I think it’s a great idea it probably only has about a 30% chance of actually getting made. But if it does … well, I thought it would be funny to be able to point back at this thread and say “You see! You see! I told you it would be great!”)
If it actually does get made I can probably start talking about details sometime next year. I’m just so pleased with myself right now I had to crow … .