This is just a rumor going around on the net but what would happen if this occured? I think it would send shockwaves thru console gaming thats for sure. Here is one site where it is being talked about.
Sega’s a freelance right now. After the unpopularity of two video game systems in a row, they stopped making systems and went to making games for other systems. Although they do mostly make games for Nintendo now (Mario and Sonic are now friends, it seems), it would be quite interesting if the two would merge.
Didn’t Nintendo have to sell off their interest in Rare to make up for a lackluster year?
Actually last I read, Microsoft picked up Rare and is courting Sega.
Well, even though profits were revised down they were still going to end the year in the black, so I don’t know if they needed to make up for anything. Not to mention there were rumors that they were butting heads with Rare on a variety of issues and it may have been fortunate timing to break up with them when it would do the most good to their bottom line.
OTOH, if they were looking to buy another company they may have sold Rare to raise capital. I’m curious as to what Tuesday’s announcement is going to be.
Nintendo got a lot of money for selling their Rare shares. It made sense to get rid of them, since many of the last few Rare games didn’t do to well. I bought the last Rare game made for Nintendo, Star Fox Adventures. The Graphics were GREAT, But that’s about all that I liked about the game.
Nintendo is NOT disappointing many of their GameCube owners. Capcom is bringing 5 Cube-only tittles out, most of them look like more ‘mature’ games. Capcom is also doing their Resident Evil games that are Cube-Only. Nintendo needs this.
They could use Sega for sports specifically built for Cube hardware and controller. Sports tittles are built for all 3 systems for the most part, so of course X-Box will be the best. If they could make exclusive titles for the Cube, they could put in extra/inovative touches that’s exclusive and can’t be found on the other systems. For example, in football games you could have an option to use your GameBoy Advance (hooked up to cube) to set up your Plays without player 2 seeing it. If a sports game is multiplatform, you get the same game, only “watered down”.
The GBA is selling great, they can use the hookup to promote the Cube.
PLUS, Square is working with Nintendo once again, (I think Nintendo is getting one, or more exclusive Square games). This will bring much needed RPG’s to Cube AND the next machine Nintendo is now working on.
You have Nintendo’s own popular and exclusive games, Like Pikman 2, Metroid, Eternal Darkness, Zelda, a new Mario, plus new franchises.
I would say Nintendo’s making good on past mistakes, and if they formed ANY type of “chummy” relationships with Capcom or Sega, that sounds ok by me!
Just a side note
Mario 128 is the new Mario (name will probably change).
Mario creator said: “You will feel something new in this game that wasn’t in Mario Sunshine.”
Which is good, Because Mario Sunshine wasn’t THAT great.
M$ did recently buy Rare from Nintendo for $300 m (or roughly the contents of Bill’s spare change jar) and Sega has been producing a lot of premiere games exclusively for XBOX (Jet Set Radio Future, Gun Valkyrie, Shemnue II, Panzer Dragoon Orta). If Nintendo came back from the dulldrums to pull this off Microsoft would be in serious trouble. Of course nothing that buying major developers wholesale like tubs of mayo at Cosco wouldn’t fix. I wonder what Namco’s going for these days?