nipple hairs

background: i’m male, not excessively hairy.
that’s basically all you need.

now, if you are male (or female and you have a hairy chest), check out your nipples (if you can take off your shirt). all the hairs immediately surrounding my nipples, and some on my breasts, look like double hairs, meaning two hair shafts coming from one follicle.

am i a freak (not just for asking the question)? or do other people suffer from the same condition as i?

I dunno! But dammit, you’re right!!!

Perhaps mother nature put them there to help protect the sensitive little devils…

      • Seems lke such a shame to let the (IMG) code go to waste here, people. . . . . . - MC

Probably split hairs. You need a better nipple shampoo. :slight_smile:

Not all but some. Obviously one of the following applies to the guy who posted:

  1. Extremely self concious
  2. Extremely observent
  3. Has an enormous amount of free time

Not to mention poor shampoo.

By the way, just what were you doing when you noticed this?

Sometimes this is called Dragon’s Beard or Dragon’s Locks. It is bad luck to cut this ever. It should be grown a long as possible.

Unless, of course, you don’t believe in luck, in which case, you can wax, shave or cut it like normal people.

My wife used to have nipple hairs. I say “used to”, because with enough vigorous suckling, they aren’t there any more… :smiley:

aghhhhhh!!! :eek: ewwwwwwwwww!!! very bad visual!

(that’s all I wanted to add, thanks)

actually 2 and 3. i was checkin’ out my bod last night, and it looked like i had a pimple…but in fact it was an ingrown hair. as i dug it out, i found that i had 2 ingrown hairs from the same follicle, and dammit, all the hair around it were in pairs from the same follicle. it’s the damnest thing.

but at least astroboy confirmed the fact that i’m not a freak, at least genetically.

and no, i won’t shave or wax or pull it. i’m a man, dammit, and since i’m not a professional wrestler, or model, my hairy chest will stay that way, until a woman tells me to nix it.

Hmm… Some doubles, some singles from follicle pairs that’re very close together, and some true singles (maybe one fell out?). None on the nipple itself, of course. And Shanin, nursing is perfectly natural, and not at all gross. I suppose it might be a bit unusual if it’s someone other than a pre-weaning baby doing the sucking, but JoltSucker didn’t specify. By the way, JS, if such is in fact the case, we really don’t need to know.

Dammit! As if I don’t have enough to worry about in life. The last thing I need as I lie in bed late at night is lingering worries about the development of my nipple hair!
I’ve got to wean myself from this board.

Well, Chronos, you’re gonna find out…

It was a combination of both me and my two children, both of whom nursed for a long time (the first one for almost 3 years!). I knew that the little guys were pulling some off while nursing when I found hairs in their diapers. I never noticed hairs in my mouth, but I probably was too preoccupied with the matters at hand to notice, if you know what I mean.

All I know is that she used to have a little thin ring of hair around her nipples, and now she doesn’t.

Chronos said:



I nursed my daughter so I agree totally with that Chronos. But thats not what I was thinking when I read the post and thanks to JoltSucker for clearing everything up. :smiley:

First off, to be fair to the OP, I just looked. Weird thing… I never looked before, but I have some doubles and some singles… no real pattern emerged.

OK… JoltSucker said:

What!!! Is this normal? (sorry… don’t have any children yet myself, so I don’t know.) Seeing anything but an infant (I’m thinking under a year here) suckling would kind of wig me out. A three year old seems kind of old. My apologies in advance, JoltSucker. I don’t mean to offend. I’m genuinely curious.