No, I do not think Obama is the new Messiah

Look, you. You know who you are.

Yes, I will probably vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden in November. I will do so based on my knowledge of his skills, his experience (or lack thereof), and - yes - his flaws. I will also do so based on my knowledge of John McCain and Sarah Palin’s skills, experience (or lack thereof) and flaws.

I’m not claiming to be intimately familiar with every single policy point, every bill they’ve voted on, every comment they’ve made in public or private that may somehow reflect on how Obama and McCain might perform as POTUS, but I’ve paid some attention, read a variety of sources, considered my priorities and come up with a reasoned decision. I’m voting Obama. I don’t expect him to be a stellar President and I’m sure his youth and relative inexperience will cause him a few stumbles along the way, but I think he’ll be better than McCain.

So can you (and again, we all know who you are) all just stop with the LOL U THINK OBAMA IS CHRIST U WANT TO HAV HIS BUTTBABEES LOLOLOLOL!!!111!!ONETYONEONE* comments? It’s not funny, it’s not remotely clever, it’s not actually a rebuttal of anything, it’s certainly not true and it automatically reduces the credibility of anything else you say by 99.9%.

I know there are folks out there who gush and swoon at his rallies, just as there are goggle-eyed Palinmaniacs who think she’s the bomb, but by and large they ain’t here and they ain’t me.

So. Stop it. Just…stop it.

*And that goes double for anyone who posts that as a reply in this thread, you tit.

Hear hear. Well said.

It’s really insulting to have one’s views discounted as so much fluff, as if one has merely drunk the Koolaid. Then again, we Dems are sometimes guilty of the same thing. I, for one, can’t think of many reasons why anyone would support Bush other than being indoctrinated into a cult of personality, but that’s just me.

No doubt Shodan will in soon to project.

Here’s a group of cute kids whose parents probably come close to believing Obama = Messiah. And some people freak out at Jesus Camp

Btw, here is a fun pro-Obama kids video. They’re having fun, not singing about Obama with a quasi-religious devotion.

That was creepy. Not as creepy as Jesus Camp, but in the ball park.

Frankly, I am confused.

50% of voters and 100% of the press spend endless days bemoaning how apathetic American youth are when it comes to politics and how nobody votes and so on, ad nauseam.

Then a guy comes along and makes the apathetic youth and lazy grown-ups pay attention, and suddenly they’re way too into him.

Along the same lines…
Look, you. You know who you are.

Yes, I will probably vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin in November. I will do so based on my knowledge of his/her skills, his/her experience (or lack thereof), and - yes - his/her flaws. I will also do so based on my knowledge of Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s skills, experience (or lack thereof) and flaws.

I’m not claiming to be intimately familiar with every single policy point, every bill they’ve voted on, every comment they’ve made in public or private that may somehow reflect on how Obama and McCain might perform as POTUS, but I’ve paid some attention, read a variety of sources, considered my priorities and come up with a reasoned decision. I’m voting McCain. I don’t expect him to be a stellar President and I’m sure his age and the pressures that come with the job will cause him a few stumbles along the way, but I think he’ll be better than Obama.

So can you (and again, we all know who you are) all just stop with the “YOU ARE EVIL! YOU ARE STUPID! YOU ARE THE DEVIL INCARNATE! YOU WANT TO KILL GAY PEOPLE AND FORCE RAPE VICTIMS TO HAVE CRACK BABIES! YOU KICK PUPPIES AND SUCK THE SPINAL CORDS OUT OF STILL-BORN INFANTS!” (Disclaimer: This is hyperbole. None of these things have actually been verifiably said, but the sentiment as a whole has been. We now return you to your previously scheduled rant.) comments? It’s not funny, it’s not remotely clever, it’s not actually a rebuttal of anything, it’s certainly not true and it automatically reduces the credibility of anything else you say by 99.9%.

I know there are folks out there who carry some fucked up moralistic pre-judgements, just as there are goggle-eyed Obamaniacs who think he IS the Messiah, but by and large they ain’t here and they ain’t me.

So. Stop it. Just…stop it.

    • I don’t think this will be any more effective than the OP.

But all that is true.
I read it on the internet.

I was going to do a McCain one too, just to be evenhanded, but thought if I did both it would dilute my point, so ta for that, CoW.

On another messageboard one of the posters kept referring to “Johnny Old”. It took me ages to realize he meant McCain. Because, you know, McCain’s old. He’s an old guy. And, you know, old people are senile and wear dentures and smell funny. He’s oooooooold.

Seriously, if the only thing you can grasp about the candidates is that McCain is old, Palin’s female, Obama’s black and Biden’s…whatever Biden is, I dunno… then please - I beg you - for the good of the country - don’t vote. You might break something or accidentally stab yourself in the head with the #2 pencil in the voting booth or something.

Sigh. Despite the best endeavors of more enlightened minds, American political discourse continues to tend to seek the “Beavis and Butthead” level at all times.

No worries, it’s embarrassing when someone does this in the name of the candidate(s) I plan on voting for. I would expect it is just as embarrassing when someone who supports your candidate(s) does it, too.

It’s remarkable how similar many website “reader comments” are, almost as if they were penned by the same person. (Not on this board, of course—on far less reputable sites.)

Play along— it’s fun!

One point for each of the following:

[li]Includes the name “Hussein”[/li][li]Contains the phrase “empty suit”[/li][li]Contains the word “elitist”[/li][li]Mentions Rev. Wright (bonus point for “the RACIST Rev. Wright”)[/li][li]Mentions ties to Tony Rezko (bonus point for “the CONVICTED FELON” and/or “SLUMLORD Tony Rezko”)[/li][li]Mentions ties to William Ayers (bonus point for “the TERRORIST William Ayers”)[/li][li]Decries “scary” or “obsessed” or “arrogant” Obama “followers” [/li][li]Implies that Obama’s lack of experience makes him EXACTLY THE SAME AS (or less suitable than) Palin[/li][li]Implies that Obama’s entire platform consists of the word “CHANGE,” with no actual positions[/li][/ul]

Mrs. J. reports hearing on the radio this morning that just a little tweaking of the Democratic candidates’ names produces the following:

O(s)ama Bi(nLa)den
Just sayin’.

That’s why Bush couldn’t find him in Afghanistan. He was split in two and put in the Senate!

Holy crap! If this isn’t proof that Osama Bin Laden and Obama use the same alphabet, I don’t know what is. If they use the same alphabet, they must both be terrorists.

Or Bin Laden is too inexperienced to lead a terrorist movement. I’m not sure which.

And if anybody mentions Bin Laden uses the Arabic alphabet, they’re a terrorist.

Yes, that’s right - we need to determine who will be the best person to deal with the fact that the country’s in a recession, people are losing their homes and can’t afford food or fuel, the military’s weakened and we’re waging a two-front war that would have bankrupted the country even if we weren’t just about to bail out the crumbling financial infrastructure, and the rest of the world kind of hates us at the moment but hey look! I can move letters around!

It’s Fisher Price punditry, I tell you.

This is exactly why Hillary lost any chance of me ever voting for her under any circumstances. Her little rant in the primaries was not an attact directed at Obama, but rather an insult to his supporters, the American voting public.

‘And the skies will open up and celestial choirs will say…’
Fuck you too lady!

A couple of things you omitted from your list:

[li]Economic illiterate.[/li]

Just to make my position clear, all of the objective points listed appear to be verifiable.

Points like “empty suit” are, of course, purely subjective.

*I *suck the spinal cords from Live-Born Infants!

This is excerpted from a debate I saw part of on TV years ago:

I agree with both of them. Or I sympathize with both of them. I’ve been planning to vote for the Democrats & their candidate–who happens to be Obama–as the lesser of two evils. Because the pragmatic Mr Rustin had a point.

But Pelosi & Obama’s behavior this last week has thrown me into the other camp. The “leadership” shown seemed to me sloppy & irresponsible; trying to get Congressmen to vote against their principles with a sort of bribery, after lies & intimidation failed. I have 33 days to decide whether I’m really going to vote Nader, or vote for Obama.

I found it goes well with a nice Chianti.

/Grossest thing I’ve ever posted. :wink: