No more avatars and no pics in signatures

Posts with atrocious punctuation rarely have any content worth mocking.

Don’t make me Compuserve your ass :slight_smile:

Also, I got an old .edu account I can whip out. AND a account I’ll use if I have to.

Which is quite true. And quite funny.

You shouldn’t have used a period after “true.” That second part isn’t a complete sentence.

Neener neener!

Periods come outside quotation marks. Sheesh!

Even if the words being quoted are a fragmented sentence?

For example, were I quoting President Clinton, I might wish to make use his ever-popular phrase, " I did not have sex with that woman."

What if I wished to use only part of the phrase? Could it not properly read, " I did not have sex ".


That would be a fragment of one particular sentence, but it wouldn’t be a sentence fragment in the grammatical sense; it’s an independent clause (has both a subject and verb).


Nope. I was being completely serious.

Depends. British or American?

As Musicat notes, the convention differs between British and American usage. The period is inside the quotes in American usage, outside in British.

The partial quote you suggest would not be appropriate because it changes the meaning of the original.

However, for the more general case where a partial quote ends a sentence the period would simply go inside the quote (American) or outside (British).

It would be possible to end the quote with an ellipsis, but that is normally not done (ellipses generally only being used within a quote except in special cases).

From the link provided:

Because of this, I feel the British style is more sensible, and therefore I prefer that style. The punctuation goes inside the quotes when it is part of the quote, it goes outside the quotes when it is not part of the quote.

Very true indeed. :slight_smile:

That’s how I do it, too, even though I’m (mostly) American-taught.

As the original (non)offender, I tend to agree and usually put the punctuation outside the quotes. But being well aware of Gaudere’s Law, I made damn sure I followed the correct rule in my post (for an American board).

No, because no one would ever believe that the Horndog-in-Chief would ever say that. :smiley:

How will artistic souls express themselves?

Interpretive dance, as always.

But videos can not be posted on SDMB.

The potential audience here at the SDMB will survive somehow.

Interesting bit about the periods-before-close-quotes thing. Thanks.