No more Dennis Miller Live (sob)

Last night, August 30th 2002, was the last show of HBO’s Dennis Miller Live, which has been cancelled after nine seasons. No more rants. No more “Big Picture”. No more harassing phone call-ins. (Sigh.) Why was it cancelled? Bad ratings? Too much competition with Miller’s football announcing career?

I know a lot of people consider Dennis to be a bad comic, and I agree with them…but that’s what makes him so funny! Every time he blows a joke, he starts bitching at the audience. Which happens quite a lot, so he’s always bitching at the audience!! Plus, some of the jokes he comes up with come waaayy out of left field; for instance, last night’s show ended with, “Next week’s guest: Godot.” HAHAHAHA!!!

Well I hope Dennis comes back, and when he does, it’s on a network that allows cursing…it wouldn’t be right, otherwise. :slight_smile: Hey, maybe he and Bill Maher should get together and form a panel show?


I LOVE Dennis Miller.

Good riddance.

I get tired of pulling out my thesaurus just so I can understand his long-winded schtick.

Absolutely, Lola. TV needs a good dose of dumbing-down. Damn smart people!

Intelligence with humor is one thing, intelligence with smugness is quite another.

There is a reason Miller’s shows keep getting cancelled. He is a condescending, droning asshole.

IMHO, of course.

You see, Lola, that’s where I agree with you. But I prefer a comedian who says exactly what he thinks, and even sticks it in the face of someone who doesn’t agree with him. Bill Maher was the same way (and we all know where THAT got him…)

Unfortunately, the Powers That Be in the media don’t appreciate such honest humor, and prefer to back such crowd-pleasing claptrap as Jay Leno, who opens every other monologue with a Catholic Priest joke…after all, making fun of little boys who get raped by the people they trust the most is soooo wonderfully entertaining. :rolleyes:

There’s a difference between honest humor and tactless humor.

Really? What would that be then?

I’m really gonna miss Dennis. More than just finding him humorous, his rants frequently espoused thoughts that really hit home with me. He had a passion for politics that is lacking in most comics today. He was genuinely concerned about our liberties, our tastes, and the direction we are headed as a nation, and he still found time to fit in the occasional dick and fart joke.

Plus the endless stream urbane analogies and condemnations featuring the phrase, “motherfucking jagoffs” always kept things lively.

Two things I won’t miss about Dennis being off the air: the term “jagoff” and the phrase “Let me ast you a question.”

Sadly, those are the only two things I’ll miss. :frowning:

Of course, I get HBO Comedy, which re-runs DML every night at 11, so I’ll get by.

I’m truly going to miss him. He did often make you pause to think about an idea and I liked that.

Also, he never once pissed me off politically, which I can say for Maher or Jon Stewart. And Miller was a great interviewer and didn’t slam his guests when they struggled.

The Big Picture was a great way to end the night.

Now don’t tell me that Larry Sanders is going too. That would be too much too quickly.

Well, since my last post was devoured by the ravenous hamsters, I will simply point out that Dennis Miller

  • Had this show for nine long years on HBO, a subscription-based network which subsists on the high quality of its shows;

  • Was a writer and player for six years on Saturday Night Live, longer than just about anyone save for Al Franken;

  • Pulled two years as one of the most memorable announcers in the history of Monday Night Football, which at least makes him greater than Black Caesar.

I like Miller because while it’s safe to say that most good comedians are very bright people, only a few of them–Bruce, Allen, Carlin, and Miller–are/were unwilling to pander to their audience. There are other, less friendly things I could say, but chances are if you’re looking up Black Caesar right now, it wouldn’t apply to you anyway.

Probably not, since that’s over too.

Nine seasons of:
[li]celebrity ass slobbering[/li][li]deeply passionate MOR political views[/li][li]smug and hopeless attempts to look smart (oooh, big word!)[/li][li]making jokes about funny pictures[/li][/ul]
Our long national nightmare is over. Please go away now.

Well not every comedian can match the wit and vocabulary of say your Carrot Tops.

Yer man’s on Jay Leno right now.

I caught the last few minutes. I liked the bit about Arthur Anderson shredding more paper than Captain Hook rolling a joint. But, I have to say I was disheartened to hear him say the decision to attack Iraq was “obvious.”

Somebody actually liked Miller on football.The guy’s a joke in that venue.Exactly what insights did he impart into your understanding of the whys and wherefores of the game being played?

If I need any commentary on the game give me some insight into the game plan or players strengths/weaknesses,not some lameass Groucho wannabe trying to be witty that couldn’t adlib a fart in a bean eating contest.

At least on his show he’s got a bunch of writers feeding him ideas and lines.
Caught him on Maher a few times and the only comments that seemed to get any yucks usually had nothing to do with a point being made,unless the discussion hit one of his hotbutton topics that he’s used material on forever.

This guy never struck me as more than an ensemble player filling a niche-never a headliner.

I love Miller. In fact, I consider liking his comedy a sort of litmus test on whether or not I will like you.

Right up there with The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds, the films of Wes Anderson and the Coen Brothers, and college football.

Wow, thermalribbon, the only things we have in common are Wes Anderson & Coen Bros. films.

I guess we won’t be hanging out any time soon. :smiley: