No mouseover

Mouseovers are not working for me in Edge for either the SDMB Light or Material Design themes.

Mouseovers are working for me for everything except the thread title. I’ve tried Firefox and Chrome using Straight Dope Light theme.

Not working for me still - Opera, Win 10 using Straight Dope Light.

I suspect that is based on my laptop touchscreen. I am starting to think that is why I get the option of choosing between a desktop view and a mobile view of the forum. Swapping between the two does not give me mouseover. I might be showing up as a device that is assumed to not have a pointing device even when in desktop view. I may be seen as a tablet with the bigger screen that just wants the extra stuff onscreen that gets stripped in the mobile view.

If I am right that sounds more like a Discourse level “feature” in hardware recognition than a SD implementation of Discourse problem. A quick search does not yield anything to confirm or deny that guess.

Anyone else with a touchscreen and a pointing device that can report on their system’s behavior?

Windows 10, Surface pro. No mouse-over view of the first post contents.
tried changing themes, log out/in. Using Edge (new chromium version) and Chrome.
Tried disabling ad blocker.

I have a touch screen, but also using a mouse
Any ideas welcome!

As I posted in the other thread, I have a touch screen and don’t see the mouseovers. I think DinoR is correct.

If any Discource coders are reading: disabling hover text should be based on the absence of a pointing device, not the existing of a touch screen.

I tried disabling my touch screen, and I could see mouseovers. So that is indeed the problem.

Interesting - I have a touch screen and I don’t see them either - I think you guys nailed it!

Disabling touchscreen worked for me as well.

I do not have touchscreen on my laptop, but lack mouseover.

OK, disabled touchscreen on my Surface Pro, mouseover preview started working.

Note that with the Sams SImple theme, they only worked on the opening “home” screen for the Latest list, not in the actual forum categories e.g. GQ.

With the SD themes, worked fine.

But as I like my touch screen, seems I need to do without the previews at least for now.

Mouseover preview done disappeared again. Desktop, tried both Chrome & Firefox.

And they’re back.

I never lost the mouseover, but I have an idea related to mouseover, so I thought I would mention it in this thread.

I like it when I mouseover a thread title in the forum listing and it gives me a bunch of the first post. What would also be useful (at least to me) would be if there would be somewhere to mouseover that would show me a bunch of the most recent post in a thread.

Here’s some process-related reasoning: I login. I load fora and threads, usually in some kind of order. Nearing the ending of a session, I load up the Latest to see what new stuff happened since I logged in. I see many threads that I read over the period of the session.

Did I already read all of the posts in that thread? The one whose most recent post was 29 minutes ago? Well, I have to re-load it, to learn what the most recent post said. Then, I usually discover that, indeed, I had already caught up on that thread. Sometimes, it is new, though.

Process-wise, this happens on many threads. However, if there was a mouseover that showed the most recent post, I wouldn’t have to reload threads in which I recognize that post.

If you’ve read the most recent post in a thread, the thread should have a grayed-out display. Only threads with unread posts are in black (or whatever color in the theme you’re using).

I just wish the mouseover worked in Sam’s Simple Theme.

Hmm, that is interesting. It would require me to make a different change to my process, but that could work. Currently, I often open threads into private windows because I didn’t want the tracking (with the blue circles & white numbers and the suggestions) but I open threads that I post in or want the tracking into regular tabs. To use your greyout suggestion, I would have to open only into regular tabs & windows.

Also, some threads have blue dot (not a blue circle with a white number) next to the title and I don’t know what that is but it might have to do with whether or not it has updated.

I just wish the mouseover worked on modern laptops. I really don’t understand why they’ve disabled it on any device with a touch screen. Such a stupid annoying bug. :cry:

It was done to help use on mobile phones, where the mouseover activated when not even wanted. Lazy programming way to tell phones from laptops. Of course now most laptops are touch screen as well and it needs fixing. But this is more for the Discourse community than the SD team.

Yes. It’s a Discourse bug, not a SD thing. And at this point, it really IS a bug, since it produces confusingly inconsistent behavior for users who access a site via multiple devices. Like… anyone who uses both a personal and a corporate PC, one of which has a touchscreen. I hope they fix it by enabling mouseover on all laptops, and not by just getting rid of mouseover.

Raking this up again. Anyone know if Discourse may be updated to fix this?

Sorry, what’s the problem? Are you on a touchscreen device?