Yes. Homework gets done on Saturday around here. So Sunday is fun-day🎶.
The Mom’s were getting the kids settled into it. When the troublemaker (always her)Max needed help.
The kids have these crappy tablets from the school to submit their weekend homework on.
Max’s kept giving her an incorrect and it couldn’t be submitted. She did it 3 times and then got “ask a parent for help”
Back at the farm, the Lil’wrekker (thankfully does not have children) whizzed up some Daiquiris. Yep. Strawberry. A classic and a fave.
Mom’s were on the deck giggling and sunbathing.
So Max comes to me Nana, she sez, this stupid thing won’t accept my math homework, it says ask a parent to help. I tell her, good, go ask one.
“I’m asking you. You’re a parent, says so in the name grandparent, anyway, Mom has a smoothie drink”.
I say no, no, no Nana don’t do math. Says so in my name NA-NA that’s another way to say no(teaching moment🙂).
And I’m asleep.
She was steadfast in her need of help.
So as she wouldn’t shut up, I gave in. “What is the problem?” Man oh man, I hate math.
She told me it was even and odd with number words.
Oh, I can handle this, I’m thinking.
This is Max tho’, gotta be cautious.
It was a list of number words. Appeared to be One to Fifteen.
She had one wrong. Seven.
I said that’s odd. She said “I know it won’t accept my answer” I say, no sweetie, the number seven is an odd number.
She, a little louder sez, “Nana, seven is even says so right in its name.”
How is this kid like this?
I put my initials in the parent box. Left a comment to the teacher. “You explain this, I can’t”
And hit submit.
Got a hug and went to sleep.
Adding: she will be 7yo on her birthday. That oughta be a fun day. Jeez!
Oh, and this is my 7th anniversary on the Dope.
Odd, I know.