"No wonder you're so fat"

Warning: This might be a topic that’s been done over and over again it’s gone stale from the repetition.

“No wonder you’re so fat.” was uttered by my grandmother and she walked past me as I was eating my lunch. Excuse me if it’s a crime to feed myself.

My grandparents are staying with us for about two weeks. It’s their third day here and already, they’re driving me up the wall.

I slept in a little later than I usually sleep until because I was out until 2:00AM last night. So, I wake up at 1:00PM today and my grandparents already had lunch without me. That’s fine by me because my eating habits don’t exactly agree with theirs. So, I prepare myself a sandwich, and sit down and try to enjoy it. My grandmother comes leering around, pokes her nose right into my sandwich (She always does that. She’s just so godamn nosy.) and says “No wonder you’re so fat.”

No wonder I’m so fat. :rolleyes:

Okay, I’ll admit, I’m a little on the chubby side, but I’m not obese or anything. In fact, my doctor tells me that I’m perfectly healthy for my height and frame. But nope. My grandmother has this twisted illusion that I’m this enormous whale that’ll suck up food like a vaccuum cleaner sucking up dust.

I was having a ham sandwich. It wasn’t even dripping with fat or anything like that. It was a clean cold cut sandwich with a little lettuce and tomoatoes and mayo.

Sure, she’s probably old and senile. But I’d really like it if she was old and senile in her own home. Why, oh WHY, did she have to visit here instead of my aunt?

Wow what a bitch :frowning:

I’m telling you, all the answers are built right into your username:

Grandma: “No wonder you’re so fat!”
You: “Up yours!”

Problem solved!

It was probably because of the mayo. :wink:

Actually, she was way the hell out of line. You should call her on it if you think it’ll help.



“No wonder I’ll be putting you in a home someday.”

Can you treat her like the senile bat she must be to say that?

Everytime she acts up, just pat her on the head like an obedient dog. “Yes dear, whatever. Isn’t it time for your nappy-wappy?”

I’d say “Get back in the fucking grave, you old bitch.” But I’m tactless like that.

“You’ve got your choice of Sunnyvale Retirement Community, or We Beat Old People Here Apartment Cubicles. Another comment like that and the decision is made for you.”

But I’m just subtle like that :slight_smile:

Nasty Old Grandma: “No wonder you’re so fat.”
7 up yours: “Okay, we’ve discovered the reason why I’m fat. Now, what’s the reason why you’re being nosy, rude and completely nasty?”

If this question isn’t answered, follow up!
7 up yours: “Is because you’re old, or have you been a bitch all your life?”

She’s insulting you in your own house?! Tell her to go home!

Actually I have the opposite problem- Every time I came home from college last year, my grandmother (and a few other older relatives) made this big production about how great I looked “Oh, darling, you’ve lost so much weight!”

I did lose 15 lbs between the start of school and thanksgiving, but no more after that, and I was wearing the same clothes the whole time. Anyway, I realy wasn’t visibly smaller (according to my mother, whose judgement I trust, my boyfriend and several other friends who I polled to see if my grandma was nuts or if I really had gotten smaller), and what the “you’ve lost weight” comments said to me was really “What a cow you used to be!” or, “Oh, gee, I guess she never was as fat as we all remembered” or, “I guess her self-esteem is so shot that telling her she’s lost weight will make her day!” It really got on my nerves, especially after I asked her to stop. Finally when she said it again, I replied “Really? you haven’t.” And that shut her up. I really have never had that good of a relationship with her anyway.

I know she was trying to be nice, but the falsity of the statement and the fact that she kept it up after I told her it bugged me was what made my blood boil.

I will never understand grandparents who don’t take advantage of the fact that they are not responsible for this generation. I wonder if they just nag out of habit.

My grandchildren have another set of grandparents who are on their case all of the time – even though the parents are present and it is their responsibility to say something if the children need to be corrected. “Change your shirt” “You hair looks awful.” “Sit up straight.” Meanwhile, I just love the kids and hug them and indulge them in little ways. That’s part of the fun!

If your grandmother says something like that again, just ask her if she meant to be rude. Ask her everytime she says something unkind.

finette, I’ve been getting that same sort of comment from relatives for a couple of years now, despite not having started any sort of new diet or execise regimen. I figure it’s because I only see them a few times a year, and I must balloon up in their imagination in the interval. And just the other day, my morbidly obese neighbor said I was her “inspiration.” Inspiration for what, I honestly have no idea, unless it’s her life’s ambition to go from “morbidly obese” to simply being “really goddamned fat.” It’s good to have goals and all, but if she’s looking for a weight loss role model, I’m really not a good choice.

As for the OP, my reply would be:

“Yes, I guess this is why I’m fat. Considering my role models, the real question is how I avoided turning into a mannerless, insulting dickhead.”

“Yeah, I’m fat. But I can lose weight. You’ll always be a mean bitter old hag.”

I humbly suggest: “You’ll be a mean bitter old hag until your rapidly approaching death. I would attempt to teach you manners, but you are obviously senile and will probably die before the lessons take.” [munch munch]

Shady Pines, Grandma!

Oh don’t worry people.

I guess I didn’t end the OP properly. I did respond with a hearty “Fuck off grandma” and stalked off to my room to finish off my sandwich. My room is tiny and cramped and I would have prefered to eat in the dining room, but with her breathing onto my sandwich, it was a little more than I could take.

It’s not like it’s an isolated case either.

Every single time she visits (or I visit [forced by my parents]) she finds something to nitpick.

What makes it all the worse is that my brother gets the exact opposite treatment because he’s male. I don’t even want to get into that. (For now anyway.)

Anyway, she is a senile old hag, but what can I do except lock myself into my room until she leaves?

“Well, I’m just savoring this sandwich. I’ll eat thousands more. This may be your last moment on earth. How does it feel to be a bitter old bitch?”

Or (from Family Guy)

“We now go live to Grandma being a bitch. Grandma?”

Ugh. Sounds like my stepdad’s mother… the fucking hag. She has it in for anyone that isn’t female and couldn’t keep her fucking mouth shut for anything.

I think she’s the only person I’ve ever seriously contemplated hurting before.

Could you pick up my lung up for me? I laughed it out, it’s over there on the floor by your foot.

When I read posts like the OP, I could have done a whole lot worse in the relative department.